The Terminus Wild

From D&D Wiki

Built high above Suskillon at the high-tech Flux Industries Spaceyards, the Observation Ketch is the ideal conveyance for intrasystem travel. Designed with comfort, luxury, and security in mind, the Observation Ketch comes with two dozen transparent aluminum scenic view ports perfect for observing the stars and other astronomical phenomena, as well as—when the ship descends into a planet’s atmosphere—terrestrial sights such as distant packs of wildlife and towering geographical features. During long travel times, guests can relax in their luxurious quarters or make use of the ship’s HAC. A single cargo hold provides adequate room for passengers’ luggage and a small amount of goods an enterprising crew might wish to transport.

Though the Observation Ketch is not a particularly large vessel, its many chambers are split between two decks—one dedicated to passenger comfort and one meant for the crew. A lift provides transportation between the decks, and a set of stairs connects the engineering section and the cargo hold. However, don’t think that the Ketch’s lower deck is devoid of amenities. The captain receives their own quarters, while the rest of the crew share a spacious barracks. They are all served by shared lavatory facilities and can relax in the fully stocked galley in between shifts.

An Observation Ketch also boasts enough weaponry to protect itself from hostile entities while in dangerous territory. The vessel is armed with state-of-the-art twin lasers, a deadly light plasma torpedo launcher, a versatile gyrolaser, and a laser net capable of stopping most targeted missiles in their tracks. Should these defenses (and the vessel’s basic shields) prove inadequate, the Observation Ketch is equipped with several emergency escape pods.

This luxurious starship can be crewed by one to six people (though the standard crew size is four), and any size of crew is aided by the vessel’s on-board computer and mid-range sensors. Some owners outft their Observation Ketches with Drift engines after a few years of operation as they grow bored with the experiences their home system has to offer and wish to travel to other systems and see new things, but Ketches generally come off the production line without such capability, relying solely on their conventional thrusters.

The Terminus Wild

Medium transport, Tier 3

Speed 6; Maneuverability average (turn 2)

AC 13; TL 13

HP 70; DT —; CT 14

Shields basic 40 (forward 10, port 10, starboard 10, aft 10)

Attack (Forward) gyrolaser (1d8; 5 hexes), twin laser (5d8; 20 hexes)

Attack (Aft) light plasma torpedo launcher (3d8; 20 hexes)

Attack (Turret) laser net (2d6; 5 hexes)

Power Core Arcus Heavy (130 PCU); Drift Engine none; Systems basic mid-range sensors, crew quarters (common), mk 2 duonode computer, mk 3 armor, mk 3 defenses; Expansion Bays cargo hold, escape pods, guest quarters (2, luxurious), recreation suite (HAC) Modifers +2 to any 2 checks per round, +2 Computers (sensors only), +1 Piloting; Complement 1–6