The Dwarven Wedding Session 33

From D&D Wiki

Session #33 of The Dwarven Wedding.

Date: August 4th, 2018

Character Level: 9th


Luana rushes out of the tent after the portal closes. “That’s not remnant in his body! He’s in the robot familiar!”

Verity rushes in and checks on Remnant. Something feels familiar about him.

Hadarri checks Remnant out. He seems fine?

The gang settles down. Verity tries to entertain some of the goliaths but they don't seem to be into it... It doesn’t go well.

That night, the group decides to settle before taking off to find Nirsar (Gawkler's daughter) and her band of warriors. In the night, Veiko has a dream...

Thousands of pale arms coming out of the swamp, Enormous eyes looking down on the land. The faint sound of laughter and a man’s scream, it’s loud. It’s too big of a noise. A tattered man with dark brown skin stumbles a bare-ish area. He falls to his knees near a tree and looks AT Veiko. “Find me.” He sits next to the tree and a beam of orange light shoots upward to the sky. The screaming begins again… louder, louder, LOUDER. Veiko wakes up and runs off into the forest to be alone and make a small fire.

The gang talks about Remnant’s situation. Titania is involved? They’re not sure. Veiko admits he knows nothing about the Faery Courts.

Hadarri explains some of the Fae business. Veiko is intrigued by all of this. He’s interested in "evil creatures of great power."

After a half-day of travel, the group runs into some orcs and Stone giants. They fight. Remnant controls one. Verity scares one off. They win the fight and conclude these must be some of the giants pushing into Gawkler's territory.

They continue to walk into the night. As they walk, they discover some "newly petrified forest." It looks like swamp that has recently become petrified.

Off in the distance, Luana sees some smoke. There’s a bit of a path between the petrified forest, perhaps an old trading trail? Veiko feels this is where he needs to be.

They rest. Hadarri and Remnant work on Ceran.

In the night, Veiko gets up and disappears into the forest.

End of Session.


"Don’t kink-shame Veiko, Hadarri." - Remnant

Travel information

Start - The Village of the Giant King

End - On the road south to the forest north of Darkfold