The Dwarven Wedding Session 30

From D&D Wiki

Session #30 of The Dwarven Wedding.

Date: June 10th, 2018

Character Level: 9th


Verity is very frazzled and stretched thin.

Veiko feels like his quest is not finished. He’s well rested, but feels like his prize was stolen from him.

Hadarri is angry and thinks he’s going to be stabbed in the back.

Luana is good...? Luana is trying to deny everything bad is happening around her.


The gang ends up at a council hearing. This is a common occurrence in Highland Crossing as it is a neutral territory. If there is just cause for a claim, the council of four will hear a case and judge it. This is the Council of the Crossing.

Someone sent word ahead that they were coming and the trial on the gang is commenced. The Tytherion Boys are there as representation for the family with Agora Melilth. Within minutes they are judged and are found guilty. Guilty of stealing an artifact from the Melilth family and aiding a criminal of the Kasian (Kase) kingdom. Unless they can pay 30000gp today, they all face 3 years in prison.

As an alternative to punishment, the Melilth family is willing to waive their sentence in exchange for a "lost artifact" of their family. A sibling-piece to the spear they hold and to a shield that was stolen by Luana. They offer three guards to go with them to fetch this item from a Giant barbarian king, Gawkler the Terrible.

The Melilth family want this to help take back land stolen from them by the Belrali Tiefling kingdom in Acrifta (where Luana is from). It’s a land they conquered years ago, but was overrun by these Teiflings after a trade deal went sour. The tieflings misunderstood the deal (gold to wood trade ratio) and believe the Melilth traders scammed them. So they took the land in Acrifta and are demanding to keep it.

The group chooses to take the deal, begrudgingly. Veiko was going to go south regardless (towards Darkfold). They are given a chance to buy new gear to take with them.

  • Verity buys a Great Axe that is also a guitar plus three potions of 4-hour Disguise Self.
    • She considers getting armor made of the Flail Snail shell, but it would take too long. They leave tonight.
  • Veiko buys a +1 axe (1500gp)
  • Hadarri buys new components (100gp) and uses the Halfling horn to tell Luana that they're leaving the city.

As the group walks, sans Luana, Luana follows as a crow using her Wild Shape. After a day of walking they rest, and one of the gnomes in the group sneaks off. Veiko manages to sneak to follow him.

The gnome makes a "call" to someone via a sending stone (Veiko speaks gnomish, so he understands).

The next day, the group comes across bandits with a dire wolf, threatening some farmers. Hadarri approaches them, they’re a bit scared by Verity and Remnant being intimidating. The leader (human, half burned goatee) says “w0t?”

Hadarri offers to hire them... to kill the gnomes.

Upon hearing this, Remnant surprise attacks one of the gnomes. We roll initiative.

End of session.



Travel information

Start - Highland Crossing???

End - On the road south to the forest north of Darkfold