The Dwarven Wedding Session 10

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Session #10 of The Dwarven Wedding.

Date: January 5th, 2017

Character Level: 6th


After the decision to leave the Mighty Seahorse in Riverbend, our heroes discuss the contents of the mysterious chests (and sex?) captain Argyle has stored below deck. After a discussion that they shouldn't try to steal them, Remnant begins to ponder his own existence and his worries about "disappearing forever."

On the final night of travel, Argyle Volstaf, captain of the ship, has an awkward conversation in front of Remnant, Tolnor, and Luana about it being the last night and, well... She gets it. More accurately, she yanks him by the arm into his chambers for a final night goodbye1.

As this occurs, Luana, Tolnor, and Remnant look over Remnants stash of trashy Dwarven Romance Novels:

  • The Bread and the Beard
  • Two Beards, Two Hearts
  • Gems of Their Love
  • The Depth of Her Mine

Upon their arrival at Riverbend, Argyle gives the group 200gp each as replacement for the days of travel missed on the boat to Marsh--to be used for other travel costs. As part of this farewell, he offers to them all that if they need it in the future, they will have free travel anywhere in the riverlands on his boat.

Passing through Riverbend, the Dwarves heading to the big card tournament try one more pass at getting Remnant to play in their stead, but Tolnor shuts them down quickly and they make their way through the city. It's noticed that there are many fancy-dressed Gnomes in the city and a whole lot of posters asking for the wearabouts of Luana--similar to what they saw in Trader's Den. They are approached by an eager Half-Elf who wants to get them to Marsh or Thain-win or anywhere they want for really cheap. Despite being told "No," he presses the group until Tolnor threatens him.

On the road to Thain-win, in the first day near the mid-afternoon, our heroes come across a group of gypsies. They are a rag-tag group made up of gnomes, half-elves, humans, and an old elf. Sitting at a table in the middle of the road is an elf, a woman who looks to be very, very old. For passing, she requires the group to have themselves read by her tarot cards. Tolnor pushes to slide past them and the younger men of the group threaten them with spears. Just as the things were too on edge, Verity grabs three cards from the woman's deck:

  • The Hermit
  • The Rogue
  • The Moon

The old woman smiled and said to her, "You are being pursued by someone who doesn't normally show themselves. Where you are going isn't where you're meant to be."

With that, our heroes were allowed to pass as they pondered the significance (if any) of the woman's message. Tolnor believes,."[Tarot cards] are BULLSHIT," but questions arise about this "someone" potentially being Titania. Fistbumps are had between Tolnor and Remnant.

That night, Tolnor is visited by Titania in his sleep. She reminds him that Tolnor belongs to her and that everyone he loves will die; everyone in his group will die and it will be because of him. She reminds him that Arthur Bulkura will die and then he will have another job and his friends will die. He woke drenched in sweat.

The following day, the path they are following bends and a lush forest is revealed. The significance of this is not lost on Tolnor as the group begins to investigate the leaves of the trees. As Remnant approaches the edge of the path, slightly ahead, two massive monsters burst from the ground--Ankhegs! A fight begins and Remnant is nearly killed. In the end, the fight ends after a third Ankheg appears and Tolnor screams into the forest at his slaver: "YOU CAN'T TAKE THEM FROM ME!"

Travel information

Start - On boat

  • 1 day from Riverbend
  • 3 days from Marsh

End - On Road

  • 8 Days from Thain-win


1 - Verity: "I'm gonna fuck him."