
From D&D Wiki

Tha’velen is a nation built around trade. They border the Broken Sea and have a great many port towns. The forest in their borders probably had old Elven settlements in it, but they have largely been reclaimed by nature. Tha’velen does boast a higher than normal Elven population. They have a few larger towns and cities in the woods that lie within their borders, but most exist outside of the forest.

Other than bordering the Broken Sea, Tha’velen is known for its excellent system of roads and their immaculate upkeep. To further cement themselves as the trading superpower of Aveth, they built a system of roads that extends far beyond their borders. These roads reach into the territories of other nations (although they normally switch control at the border), and Tha’velen takes special effort to see that the roads are always in good repair and free from bandits.

This has earned them a positive reputation and brought a significant amount of trade from those who otherwise might not have made the journey. Their system of roads even extends into the United North territory, but it isn’t as well maintained up there, although they do have a main highway that leads all the way to the Gnomish city-state Quanris.

In addition to trade, Tha’velen also has an excellent spy network and the largest operating Druid’s Circle. Very little is known about these spies, other than that they exist (much to Tha’velen’s credit). The Circle resides deep in the woods and acts as its caretaker. Those who wish to join the Circle must make their way through the woods to find the Circle (this is always their first test). There are other Druidic Circles throughout the land, but this is the most well known and sought out.

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