Kidnapped Session 8

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Session #8 of Kidnapped, or was it?.

Play Date: October 20th, 2016

DM Summary


Our band of heroes interrogated the captured follower of Hades, Jorn, to discover that he and his friend Y'Drok have a plan to sneak a weapon into the Coliseum battle. In this, they find that Jorn, a moderately talented spellcaster, plans to imbue a dagger with a "silent poison" that can kill someone with one cut. This being a type of forbidden magic in the Coliseum battle, sparks interest in our party. Jorn explains that no one person of the Hades cult in Birsk knows how this will actually happen and each member in the process only knows their one part--Jorn's part being imbuing the dagger with power and Y'Drok's part being delivering the dagger to Jorn.

After a rest and some shopping for items, our heroes head back to Don's to retrieve the forged jewelry for Smash--a beautifully ornate gem with owl claws and feathers embedded within it's edges. (It was revealed that Mikey had visited this shop shortly after our heroes had first visited before regrouping with them)

Knowing Jorn's ritual would be finished by mid-day, they headed back to meet him and Y'Drok, but it was then there that they notices a mysterious, cloaked figure lurking down an alley, watching Jorn's apartment. Having no patience for mysterious foes, Phineaus leapt into action to capture this person, followed closely by Shivora. In a few acrobatic maneuvers, the foe was surrounded and questioned. This man, Dorin Greygranite explained that he was a messenger, waiting to pick up Jorn's enchanted dagger, and meant no harm.

Dorin pulled back his cloak to show his blinded eyes and tattooed skin (a black band of ink stretched across his eyes). After some discussion from the thoroughly convinced Y'Drok of our hero's intentions to help the followers of Hades, Dorin allows them to accompany him to deliver the dagger with Y'Drok.

Upon arrival at a small back-alley door in the Magic district, a man with bushy eyebrows opens an eye-slot in the door opens it after Dorin speaks the password in Dwarven: "Magick in Darkness". The door swings outward revealing an absence of light, to which Dorin enters without hesitation.

The Professor attempts to follow Dorin, but is held back by Y'Drok being warned that it's not safe. Shivora, feeling anxious/curious slips away from Y'Drok and walks into the doorway, passing out immediately. Phineaus, then the Professor with Y'Drok, entered, passing out immediately. Mikey entered as well, confident in his wisdom, and passed out as well. In the waiting, Smash noticed the door to the room was beginning to close on its own with magical force, and, despite his need to meditate/train elsewhere, entered the room... and did not pass out.

Smash, adjusting to the new room, saw a solitary candle sitting at a table across this room. On the floor laid shadowed bodies. At the table sat two men talking in low whispers...

Session Notes

  • Jorn spoke of Coliseum XXIV where an elf from Lyth (aka Iliphus of Lyth) used a magical scimitar with a "Planar Blink"-type of spell that would transport his enemies to another plane only to have them return in an instant on the brink of death.
  • Mikey had entered himself in the Coliseum before meeting up with the rest of the group--which is unknown to the group
  • It was revealed that Ella, who had disappeared shortly after leaving The Tavern (in Session 6), warped to see Baccob and learn more about her dark and mystical powers.
  • Mikey, who had disappeared on the road to Birsk, had taken a detour to Tranz to learn from the great monk Raa Clawstrike, the master of The Raven Death Claw.

Bets placed

  • Ella placed a 25gp bet on Mikey

Bets and Odds (Updated from previous sessions)


  • Smash
    • 6:1 - 1st round win
    • 13:1 - 2nd round win
    • 26:1 - 3rd round win
    • 54:1 - Semifinal win
    • 78.2:1 - Coliseum win
  • Eye of the Serpent
    • 2:1 - 1st round win
    • 7:1 - 2nd round win
    • 12:1 - 3rd round win
    • 26:1 - Semi-final
    • 43:1 - Coliseum win
  • Mikey
    • 5:1 - 1st round win
    • 12:1 - 2nd round win
    • 28:1 - 3rd round win
    • 50:1 - Semifinal win
    • 67.2:1 - Coliseum win


  • Smash
    • 200gp on himself to win
  • Phineaus
    • 200gp on Smash to win
  • The Professor
    • 150gp on Smash to win
    • 50gp on Eye of the Serpent to lose in the Final Four
  • Ella
    • 25gp on Mikey to get to final 32
    • 50gp on Eye of the Serpent to win Final 8