Highland Crossing
Highland Crossing is a city build across a river -- the river dwells under a large part of the city and there are numerous tunnels beneath for both sneaky and freight-like travel. This city is governed by a council of 12 (currently 9 human, 1 dwarf, 1 elf, 1 gnome) and acts as the doorway to the north and east for many travelers (the river is deep, wide, and powerful).
Ramblers Trailhead and Forestry Association
Highland Crossing is the home to the headquarters of the Ramblers Trailhead and Forestry Association, "nature police" of sorts that keeps the lands of Turon clear of mess and damage. Their primary goal is to ensure the land they live on stays clean, safe, and healthy.
The RTFA head council of five reside in the city, a head of each council member being from the major factions of Turon: 1 elf, 1 human, 1 dwarf, and 1 gnome.
Council of Judgement
Lead by one representative of the main factions of Highland Crossing:
- Human - Brian McTrawny
- Gnome - Grimmy Hucksfeld
- Elf - Fesaras Meslar
- Dwarf - Orgon Surbulf