The Dwarven Wedding Session 29
Session #29 of The Dwarven Wedding.
Date: May 27th, 2018
Character Level: 8th
Hadarri does not want to be here. He knows he needs to be here.
Verity is overwhelmed and bone tired. She can’t keep an eye on everyone. She’s feeling stressed.
Remnant just wants his body back.
Veiko is feeling bloodlust, but tired. He’s focused through his rage. This is the only thing he is thinking of.
Luana is… okay with all of this? We are meddling in things she doesn’t think concerns her.
We return to the fight with Kharza-khad.
After a small back and forth, a final blow is struck to Kharza-khad. She speaks... “If you end my life, your world is truly doomed. The gods out of control? HER out of control? YOU FOOLS! There is so much more at play than--” She screams and a black hand reaches out of the portal and pulls her in. All of the slaves and babies instantly die. Eyes burned out of their heads.
Things rumble for a short moment, but then stop. An unnoticed pressure disappears. The braziers appear a bit brighter. The pool stops swirling and goes from a tar black to a light grey. The water is only a foot deep.
On the north side of the room, a message BURNED into the wall reads:
After seeing the message, Luana decides to burn all of the babies. Hadarri whispers last rites over the babies. Hadarri and Luana and Veiko burn all of the bodies. The head to leave, and the keep is empty and unkept. They find a few items:
- A quarter of a map written in elven. The title is cut off of says “Deepwoo-”
- There is a maze of directions cut off
- Scroll of Call Lightning
- Scroll of Contact Other Plane
- Scroll of Tiny Spirit
- Scroll of Feign Death
- Two dragon eggs: Blue and a Green.
As they search within the keep, Jorn and Balal (the Jort Borthers) find them and tell them they've been saved! Someone has arrived to rescue them and all of the Dwarves, there was a massive fight right after they entered the sewers and the Dwarves have won the day!
They all follow Jorn and Balal out and find someone Hadarri hadn't seen in years: his arch-nemesis, Amo Thess. Amo Thess is a polite, overly-nice Gnome that looks like a cartoonish wizard. He and Belkas meet them at the western gate to the city where the gnomes have landed three flying fortresses. They freed the dark elves who were trapped citizens of the tarnished Torunn.
After some discussion and confusion (and Luana hiding as a small animal in Verity's clothes), they make their way onto Amo's flying fortress--Professor Redfurl takes a separate fortress back because, well, he's kind of done with everything. Amo in his nigh-infinite politeness is convinced by Hadarri to let the gang use his lab to work on Remnant. Hadarri knows that with the final missing component to this ritual, he can "fix" Remnant--even if he doesn't know what that truly means (neither does Dr. Torunn, really).
Amo Thess is worried about what's happening and Hadarri "brings him in" on the secret. Thess is overjoyed to be sharing this experience and Hadarri promptly kicks him out.
Dr. Torunn warns Hadarri that Remnant is made up of his personalities. The personalities might be they only thing fueling the Remnant persona and if they’re gone, he won’t exist any more. Despite that, they agree to perform the ritual and try to "fix" Remnant. (Torunn gets a sad, albeit slightly racist, goodbye)
Meanwhile, Luana sees a familiar face on the ship as she travels as a small animal with Verity to their room. The face is someone from her past (a gnome) but she can't place him.
Veiko sleeps and has a dream of EVIL EYES in a forest. "The Darkness will strike there next..."
Hadarri performs the 24-hour ritual. As he does this, he goes into the Remnant zone. He “frees” all of the other souls except Tolnor who is chained to the base and Torunn Torunn who gives him info on what’s actually going on. After Hadarri frees Torunn, he reassembles the tower as best he can thinking he’s gotten “Remnant” back for good.
The next morning as Hadarri continues on the ritual, Verity, Veiko and cat-Luana run into the captain of the ship who does not like cats. They caused a ruckus in the barracks when Luana went to look for more Wooden items like her shield. She finds nothing and the captain does NOT like that cat.
Luana, Verity, and Veiko come back to the ritual as Hadarri finishes. Hadarri is confident he put the tower back together correctly...
The lights come back on on Remnant.
- Hadarri: “Are you Remnant?”
- Remnant: “What’s a Remnant?”
Verity isn’t at all shocked, she’s seen Remnant like this before... surely, she just needs to bop him around a few times and he’ll be back to normal... just like when she first WON him from someone back in the Deepwood Forest.
The fortress lands. They’ve arrived at Thain-win.
After Hadarri apologizes profusely to the frustrated Verity, the whole group makes makes it out of the fortress and... They’re in Highland Crossing? Amo Thess said they were going to Thain-win!
“Dwarfsplaining” - Hadarri
Travel information
Start - Sewers of Torunn
End - Kharza-khad's ritual room