From D&D Wiki
Setting and Background
Campaign Relevant Maps
The Jobs
The Player Characters
- Deadman
- Killy
- Mirrors
Notable NPCs
Frequently Used Contacts
- Hammah
Other Shadowrunners
- Orphan
- Dynamite
- The Host
- Amna
- D4ve
Corporate Agents
- Henry Smyth
- Veronica Stratham
Relevant Corporations and Organizations
- Ares Macrotechnology
- Renraku Systems
- Brilliance Enterprises
- Golden Lotus
- The Family
- The Cutters
- Knight Errant
- Lone Star
Places of Interest
- The Old City Bazaar
- The remnants of an old failed subway station reclaimed by the surrounding neighborhood and used as a marketplace.
- The Chopping Block
- The Treasure Trove