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Deadman is English, and he lives in Detroit. He may have made some powerful enemies back in the UK ~9 years ago. It may be an Arch Duke. And it may finally be coming back to bite him in the ass.

Deadman has a penchant for using novacoke whenever things get stressful or exciting... or scary or... pretty much most of the time. He can usually be found with a large Ares pistol in his suit jacket and a cocky attitude.


Deadman is a human male who is, more or less, bland looking. He wears his hair short, typically dresses in some sort of suit, and does pretty well not standing out in a crowd. He stands at 5'8" with pale-ish skin, and is about average all around. Many who meet him remember almost nothing about him other than his accent and his constant grin.



Deadman, despite being forgettable, finds himself to be the life of the party in many situations (and he usually forces his way there). He's persuasive and conniving but it usually comes off as charming. His ability to talk his way out of nearly anything using his accent to it's utmost advantage is his strongest attribute. It's that or he strikes the fear of hell into something with a gravelly voice.


After an accident when he was a younger man, Deadman's eyes were replaced with fine cybernetics--something he uses to his advantage as often as possible. And to match, he's had his ears upgraded because, "What's seeing if you can't hear a damn thing?"


Deadman rarely travels without some sort of projectile weapon on his person. If it's not a gun, it's a stun-gun. If it's not a stun-gun, it's a knife. If it's not a knife... you've got the wrong guy. Deadman is willing to blast his way out of most situations if it comes down to it. If he hasn't already convinced his enemy to run with his mouth, he'll make sure they do with his gun.

Using Novacoke

  • Vector: Inhalation, Injection
  • Speed: 1 Combat Turn
  • Duration: (10—Body) hours, minimum of 1 hour
  • Addiction Type: Both
  • Effect: +1 Reaction, +1 Charisma, +1 Perception, +1 Social Limit, High Pain Tolerance 1 (p. 74)
  • A stimulant derived from coca plants, novacoke is a highly addictive social drug. After the drug wears off, Charisma and Willpower are both reduced to 1, and all limits are at –1 for a duration equal to the duration of the initial effect.


Giovanni Spaghetti

When he arrived in Detroit, Deadman didn't have anything or anyone left. He didn't really have a name either. But he did meet one person who would help him along the way. Giovanni was a fast friend to Deadman's, if only because they happened to be at the wrong restaurant at the wrong time during a bad robbery. Since then, they've been friends. Not always running jobs together, but helping where they can and making sure to have a nice dinner every once and a while. As Giovanni rose in the ranks of the Italian mob, he remembered his friend and made sure he was good.


Orphan was one of the first Shadowrunners Deadman met when he arrived in the states. After being set up via Giovanni for an easy infiltration job with Orphan, the two began to work together passing jobs back and forth when they could. A few years passed and after one incredibly successful job that the two found themselves at a karaoke bar with two deckers and a wizard who claimed he could see auras. As the deckers paired off and hacked into a hotel room, they passed off another key to Deadman for the penthouse suite and Orphan joined him. Following that night, they started dating, and after a year and a half it fizzled out. Orphan had business in Seattle for a while, and they decided it was a sign that things should end. Two years ago Orphan came back to Detroit and it's been weird ever since.

Dani O'Reilly

Dani has been a contact of Deadman's for about two years. Always online. Always pinging him bits of information. Deadman has never met her in person and as far as he's concerned, she's his personal Google search for underground business--something she hates hearing him say. Deadman is determined to get her to leave her apartment and go out for a drink with him (as a friend).

Katie No Shoes

Katie is Deadman's #1 fence. She's a stubborn young woman who inherited a scrap-reprocessing plant from her dad at the tender age of 18. She refuses to wear shoes and she refuses to take shit from just about anyone. Deadman loves her like a little sister. She's a perfect person to hawk Corp Tech over to and the worst person to sell cheap imitations to. Deadman insists on having all of his gear inspected by her and doubly insists on having all of the gear he sells appraised for qualuty before selling it to her lest he face her wrath.

Archduke Kingsly Archibald

Deadman's nemesis. From before Detroit. This man wants to kill Deadman for something that happened a long time ago.


C-Bone is Deadman's go-to for novacoke and quick gang-banger jobs. Usually easy money. Usually infiltrating a drug house and robbing them blind without them knowing.


Hamma is a new friend gained after working with MRV for so long. He's a business man who wants to keep his feet in the legit and un-legit business. Deadman respects that.




  • Bilingual
    • COST: 5 KARMA
    • A character with this quality reads, writes, and speaks a second language fluently. They can list a second language as a native tongue (see Language Skills, p. 150).
    • This quality can only be acquired at character creation; selecting it gives the character a second free language skill during Step Five: Purchase Active, Knowledge, and Language Skills, (p. 88)
  • Blandness
    • COST: 8 KARMA
    • This character blends into a crowd; he’s seldom noticed and easily forgotten. He is unremarkable in every aspect of physical appearance. Anyone attempting to describe the character cannot come up with anything more precise than “average height, average build, average hair, etc.”
    • Increase the threshold for anyone to recall specific details about the character by 1. This means a Memory Test with a diffculty of Average (threshold of 2) becomes a Hard test (threshold of 3).
    • Individuals attempting to shadow or physically locate a character with the Blandness quality in a populated setting receive a –2 dice pool modifer on all tests related to their search.
      • The same penalty applies if they’re asking around about the person based on the individual’s physical appearance. The modifer does not, however, apply to magical or Matrix searches. If the character acquires any visible tattoos, scars, obvious cyberware, or other distinguishing features, the bonuses from the Blandness quality go away until the distinctive features are removed from the character’s appearance.
    • In certain circumstances and specific situations, the gamemaster may determine that Blandness does not apply. For example, a troll with the Blandness quality still towers head and shoulders over a crowd of humans and so still stands out, no matter how average their horns may be. The character only regains his bonus by leaving the situation where he stands out.
  • Lucky
    • COST: 12 KARMA
    • The dice roll and the coin flips this character’s way more often than not, giving her the chance to drop jaws in amazement at her good fortune. Lucky allows a character to possess an Edge attribute one point higher than his metatype maximum (for example, a human character could raise her Edge to 8). Note that taking this quality does not actually increase the character’s current Edge rating, it just allows her the opportunity to do so; the Karma cost for gaining the extra point must still be paid. This quality may only be taken once and must be approved by the gamemaster. The Lucky quality cannot be combined with Exceptional Attribute


  • Bad Rep
    • BONUS: 7 KARMA
    • A character with a Bad Rep quality has a dark and lasting stain on her reputation. She may be a former Knight Errant cop known to have been particularly brutal in dealing with shadowrunners. Or word on the street might be that she once killed a member of her own runner team. If she’s Awakened and comes from a polluted region, it may be generally accepted that she’s a toxic shaman. Whether she is actually guilty of any wrongdoing is not relevant.
    • What people believe she has done has permanently tainted the way they see her and how they deal with her. Whatever the reason, the character starts play with 3 points of Notoriety (p. 372) that can only be removed or decreased by confronting and resolving the source of the bad reputation. Only then may the Bad Rep quality be bought off with Karma
  • Insomnia (Basic)
    • BONUS: 10 KARMA
    • A character with the Insomnia quality has trouble falling asleep and seldom feels well rested. Usually, this is only an annoyance. For runners, however, this can become a major problem when they are dependent on being able to rest at every opportunity to remain sharp.
    • Insomnia can lengthen the amount of time it takes for a character to recover Stun damage.
    • At the 10 Karma level, before a character rolls his Body + Willpower to recover Stun damage, the character rolls an Intuition + Willpower (4) Test. If the character succeeds on this test, the character is not impeded by Insomnia and the character regains Stun damage as normal. He also regains his Edge after 8 hours of restful sleep. If the character fails, double the amount of time it normally would take for a character to recover their Stun damage. So instead of healing a number of boxes of Stun damage in an hour, it now takes two hours per roll. If the character is affected by Insomnia, the character does not have his Edge refreshed and may not have it refreshed for up to another 24 hours.

Session Notes


  • Fat Lee (Harrison Lee) - Troll
    • Lots of disappearances, mostly having to do with the New Gang - The Slicers - Fat Lee thinks its them at least
    • He wants our "real" names
    • Gives us magic tea to find out information about the missing people on Golden Street by infiltrating Terminus to see what the Slicers are about
    • Fat Lee indirectly gives us an address that ISN'T terminus to check out
      • A cafe called "CafeTM"
      • And, just like terminus, this place looks like a Host in the matrix (all black and square)
        • Deadman thinks it's pretty lame
  • MRV discovers a chatlog of two members of The Slicers, they found a guy and a thing on him
    • One of the folks might be Dylan Foster? Post most recent Matrix crash. e-sports guy.
  • Everyone decides to use Deadman as bait to try to get picked up by The Slicers
  • But the gang ends up knocking out the kidnappers and find a cyborg
  • The dude has no memory, save one IMPORTANT file
  • He has info on Project Omega - aka Project Titan
  • He replays a memory... the Archduke is the person being lead around a factory
  • And the Slicers took this cyborg's main hard drive... back to Terminus
  • Find a bunker under Terminus, knock out all the dudes
  • The HD isn't here. It's been transported to a trade deal with the cutters
  • Robert Green (e-sports dude) is the person we're looking for. Sent a message to C-Bone to see if he can find any info on the guy.
  • Find a drone watching over the eventual deal
  • Decide to rob the place and get a pile of loot, then watch over the deal, then rob the Cutters after they take it.


  • Knocked over a Humanis truck - super secure
  • End up meeting with "Johnson" aka "Mr. Two Million Dollars" at The Pitch on Tuesday
  • He gives us a job: Get some information from the Mitsuhana Double Helix Building for Mr. Two Million Dollars' "Project Omega"
    • The information is being held by a man from the same corp as Mr 2 Million - we have a picture of this guy
    • He went missing, and now we gotta find him
    • The Goal: Get the info, get the guy if possible (not necessary) by Friday
  • Mitsuhana is a tech company focused mostly on computers and biotech for metahumans
    • The Double Helix building is focused on biotech for metahumans
    • Many people go to work for this company and disappear (transfer or... worse)
    • Employees are under strict NDA, some getting implants to prevent them from spilling information (Tech NDA)
    • Double Helix building is 30 floors
  • Dynamite has info, so the gang goes to meet him on Wednesday
  • The group ends up at Dynamite's dojo: The Turtle Dojo (so aptly named after the TMNT, the great fighters of old)
    • Here they met Felix Alvarez, a HUGE Troll who works at the dojo and is friends with Dynamite
    • Dynamite's real name is Francis
  • The gang heads to Terminus (owned by the Slicers) to try to find some info, but it's closed
  • They head to meet The Dragons at their fancy restaurant, The Lucky 7, with Dynamite
    • After looking over the busy restaurant (it's lunchtime), they head to a backroom and run into... Fat Lee, a lieutenant of the Golden Lotus (a gang they're trying to avoid)


  • C-Bone is an old gang acquaintance of Deadman's.
    • This guy is loyal to Deadman because in the past, Deadman split from a run with him to help C-Bone's wife get to the hospital
    • They keep up nowadays via email and pictures with updates on their life
    • C-Bone and his wife now have two 3-year old children