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Play Notes
- We enter the room with the noon-day sunlight
- The whole room's ceiling is gone
- In the middle of the room, there's an enormous pile of oversized kindling.... aka a nest
- It smells nice but there's a putrid smell... a dead wyvern
- A pretty big wyvern
- There's a bunch of scattered feather... some longer than we are tall
- Randir sees scattered pieces of metal and glass...
- The glass looks like it's pieces from a bowed disc
- The glass looks worn
- The glass and metal were originally part of something HUGE
- Ulertu reads some runes, they mention "The Black Sky"
- The Giant King (from a previous session) opposed the Black Sky
- Ulertu finds a locked box and uses a key he's been holding on to since before this gang got together
- Inside the box
- A cloth pinned to a piece of metal, an ororoboros sigil on the cloth
- A Clutch of Letters
- The letters seem to be correspondence between three parties???
- Someone is trying to investigate the glyphs here
- There two runes on a letter, a sigil for the Black Sky and an arcane lock
- The last letter mentions "people camping in the woods" aka US
- The letters seem to be correspondence between three parties???
- A small stone that looks very worn / handled
- A Stone of Good Luck (+1 to saves, +1 to ability scores)
- A Scroll Tube
- Inside, a scroll of Daylight
- Ulertu gives Randir the Stone of Luck (aka a Luckstone)
- Theo gives Randir the scroll of Daylight
- Theo and Randir go to investigate the nest
- Why does this bird stay here? Is this bird super duper natural?
- There isnt anything magically enhanced here
- There's a strong thrumming of magic coming from the rock slab nearby that Ulertu read from
- The bed of the nest is very soft and cool from grass settled in the base of it
- Pallas passes over a feather
- 8ft long
- Randir surmises that this bird is going to have a wingspan in the triple digits
- We ponder the magic coming from the tablet / rock slab
- Is it keeping the bird here?
- Is the bird guarding the slab?
- Theo does some DIVINE SENSE on this bad boy
- The air becomes sharp and crisp as Theo pushes his will out to the stone
- Theo sees images of Giants performing magic on this stone sometime in the past
- The power in this stone isn't good or evil, but it is protective
- We perform a ritual to remove the power from the tablet
- An explosion of light and energy and power washes over uses
- Suddenly, Randir is in the woods... the sun is setting
- It reminds him of home... it's not his forest but it feels like home
- There's a fragrence of life
- The pendant of petrified iron feels like it's moving under his shirt
- He pulls it out to look at it... it feels warm like it's full of life but looks black, void black
- The pendant begins to change, the heart of the wood becomes... seeable, feelable. It's glowing
- The wood is more stone than wood, but life comes in anything
- The orange power blossoms from within...
- Randir sees a moment coming where there is danger, Randir (or one of his friends) are in danger
- A calamity befalls them
- But Randir KNOWS how to prevent this from happening
- Jump back to Theo and Pallas and Ulertu...
- Similar bits happen to Ulertu, Theo simply sees us blink away
- Back in the real world, Randir's Pendant is now amber and speckled with starlight
- It's a Stone of Fates
- Everyone gets some goodies
- Theo saw the magic of the tablet dissipate
- He's confidence anyone in the area also saw this happen
- Don't worry, Randir just turns into a Giant Eagle and Ulertu elarges him
- Ulertu and Theo get on his wings, Pallas gets into a claw
- Ulertu and Randir use some BRAND new abilities to MAX OUT THIS ROLL
- DC 25??? MORE LIKE WE ROLLED A 26 and get to the ground, saving everyone
- But the Eagle tears at Randir as the giant eagle
- Randir pops back to himself but is still grappled by the eagle
- We head into the cave
- We try to sneak around some lizards..
- But we survive
- We head onward but discover a scroll in a small alcove (there's a +1 dagger and 5gp 3cp)
- It seems some folks writing in elven say that they want to protect the tower and the giant eagle....
- Pallas finds ash and asks, "Could this have to do with the assassins from last night?"
- Shiiit. It might.
- Pallas asks, "Should we destroy this place?"
- Theo: "If it has to do with my father, then yes."
- We gotta see why the Order of the Dragon has to do with this place
- We head out of the cave, upward
- We pass through a hole in a wall where a slab of stone used to sit
- We enter the tower....
- A huge circular room... looks like it may be made for giants.
- We take a short rest (and get some HP + spells back)
- In our rest, we look around a bit.
- Climbing the stairs here is gonna be a bit tough
- The large door of this room heads to a building attach to a building at the base of to tower
- The only ways out of this room seem to be:
- Through the big door
- Repelling down the side of the building
- Back through the cavern
- Up the stairs
- So we head up the stairs that are very worn (just from time)
- We make our way up the stairs... BARELY
- We get to a cracked door, the light of noon-day sun shining through
- We squeeze through... and we're in the highest room of the tower
- We wake up and decide to set a bunch of traps for the giant eagle
- A pit + magical plant growth (Randir)
- A fire-bomb ewok-style trap (Theo)
- A crossbow trap with 20 bolts (20d6) (Ulertu)
- We sleep again and wake before dawn
- Pallas noticed splashing in the night, Randir (as a badger) goes to investigate
- He sees tracks but can't figure out to what, some sort of large, stinky lizard
- We head to the tower with Pass without Trace
- We come to an underbrush and Randir notices the same smell he noticed from the stinky lizard... and a huge impact as if something fell from high above
- We figure something was dragged in to an opening under the tower...
- We look into the opening and see that it eventually slopes down to water
- Ulertu notices some bits noted on the walls written in "Academic Cant"
- To go up, go down
- The notes are above
- Randir says, "nah, let's do waterwalk"
- Cast as a ritual
- Pallas gives us a little boost and we see a large reptile
- It slips into the water
- Theo knows that we're in a lizard den...
- And the session ENDS
- The townsfolk show up to the end of the fight and Kass tells us we should chat
- She suggests we go off to the tower without her
- Randir suggests that we try to reason with the eagle...
- She says it might be possible... but good luck
- If it does come to blows, she tells us that we should plan with some traps
- She's dropped some traps in the area already
- Randir knows (after some thinking) that reasoning with this GARGANTUAN eagle might not be possible
- He suggests surveying the area tomorrow as a beast
- Ulertu reads a cool book that he has
- An old Giant had a rookery of fuckin eagles!?
- We get to the ruins and seek out Kass' trap materials
- Randir turns into an elk and investigates the area, heading toward the lake
- Randir sees footsteps walking along the beach
- We camp for the night and then we get JUMPED
- We blast these dudes to hell but we leave one alive
- Turns out these dudes work for Theo's dad
- This dude only wants to talk to Theo, so Ulertu and Randir walk away a bit
- This guy believes humanity is not permitted in the world
- The older races shape everything and control the lesser races
- "Even the gods seek our demise"
- The Order of the Dragon is a promise/will to show the older races that we are capable
- Their goal is to make a mark on the world like the old races did
- Not as individuals but as a people
- They want to create a place for humanity
- "As long as the empress lives, humanity will not be able to choose their own destiny."
- Theo kills the dude.
- We ask a lot of questions about... everything in the world
- There is a silence in the forest a long while
- Theo's dad is a bad dude. Pallas vows to stand by Theo if it means bringing that man to justice.
- We rest. Phew.
- We make our way towards a village on the trail
- The sign we see reads: Fennel Ridge
- The village is around the widened river we've been following
- A woman with a boat pulls himself across the river to us using a slack line
- She has a raven on her shoulder
- Her name is Kass and she's a Ranger
- Randir tells her that we ran into some Drakes up river
- She seems a little concerned and asks if she needs help can she call on us
- Randir is MORE than willing to offer their help
- We walk into town and see everyone gathered near the tavern, a huge party kind of thing is going on. Everyone is eating and having a good time.
- We meet Lang, he's a little confused by us
- Turns out he runs the [Something Cabbage]
- Dude's impressed by Theo's armor
- Turns out two Order of Truth guys came through Fennel Ridge not too long ago
- Young guy, blue skin
- Big man, pointy teeth
- Ulertu knows these folks
- They were heading north
- Two other cloaked individuals came through as well
- Nursing injuries, paid in full, left the next morning
- Could those two dudes be League of Assassin dudes???
- We do some canoodling in the town, folks seem to like us
- The two dudes had gone to see some nearby ruins
- The Lonely Tower
- The river opens to a lake, and the Lonely Tower is nearby
- Lang says there's a beast that hangs out in the Lonely Tower
- Lang says some odd things have been happening since the two dudes came through
- Kass says there were footprints that folks should be on the lookout for...
- We talk to Kass
- She tells us about beasts that have been attacking... maybe Wyverns?
- We ask about the Lonely Tower
- There might be a GIANT EAGLE in the tower?
- We decide to sleep, we'll meet Kass tomorrow
- We walk the village in the morning
- And then some dude comes running into town, something's attacked a farmer
- We get to this farm, and there's fuckin drakes and goddamn wolves
- They're attacking Lang who came to get fooD!!!
- It's heading to a dark spindle.... The Lonely Tower
- The flames pouring down these statues become two spectral figures made of ETHEREAL FLAME
- More spectral creatures show up
- Randir loses some permanent HP (long rest will fix)
- Thank the gods for Moonbeam and a Paladin
- After the fight, Randir's sword is still slightly vibrating
- What else lies here?
- We walk for a bit and find another room
- There is a seal on a rock... on the ground
- We investigate
- Randir medidtaes and casts Detect Magic as a ritual
- He sees into the "magical ethereal realm of magic"
- He hears a voice, sad, "Free me...."
- Randir pushes, "Why?"
- "I have been trapped here for so long, please release me..."
- Randir breaks from his trance and tells Ulertu and Theo what he heard
- He believes whatever is being held by this seal is trapped, chained by the magic
- We decide tobreak the seal and free the spirit
- Randir casts Haste on everyone
- We manage to make it out alive
- Thanks Haste!
- We run out of the collapsing hillside
- Pallas is very confused
- We head over to a creek to rest
- Pallas says, "Perhaps you releasing this power was releasing something back to nature itself..."
- Randir ponders on this, "This power was great... larger than a creek, a bird... something... " He can't find a way to describe it
- We think on this for a while
- Randir feels a breeze and notices a type of reed he can use to make into upgraded armor
- His focus on this is peaceful and intent on the task
- A small white fin swims up the river and JUMPS OUT AND ATTACKS Randir
- We kill two of these monsters... and there is silence.
- They were drakes
- They served larger, greater serpents
- Ulertu knows that the Giants bent the lesser serpents to their will
- There have been rumors from the rangers that they need to deal with monsters like this...
- Remember the dude in White Tree?
- We figure out that if there's two here... there's probably more.
- Pallas heals us a little
- Pallas also notes that there is a town near by. Perhaps we should head there
- We pack up and head toward the town on our horses as the sun sets
- We run off of the street knowing the city guard would be after us for killing two of the monks
- We take a short rest
- Randir makes a promise that he will see those monks die by his hand
- He's not sure if they can continue with the Cinder Root Trio...
- but we need to tell Bell and Dove what happened, at least
- We head back to the inn... sneakily. Trying to avoid the guard.
- We go back to the inn where Elena died
- We sneak in and find a notebook on Elena's person
- She's been tracking these weapons being brought into the city (as she said)
- She was following up on the containers
- She was investigating the Shipping guild
- She was looking for a dude for Avadon Mar
- This is the dude we kind fought when we FIRST got to the city
- But Avadon Mar isn't the head honcho. She was looking for his boss.
- She was looking for a dude for Avadon Mar
- She scribbled the sigil of House Grey
- Also within that sigil is a serpent??
- The serpent resembles dragons of olde (in a circle like an Ouroboros)
- Ulertu knows more about this
- We take Elena's body back to the Cinder Root Trio
- There's a montage of emotions, fading to us on a hill on the North side of the city.
- We give Elena a proper burial, there's a lot of crying
- They're going to bring Elena back to the Cinder Root
- Randir refuses to travel with the Bell and Dove as they head back to the Cinder Root
- He's clearly very upset about Elena's death but he pushes them away claiming they need to do bigger things and doesn't want to endanger them
- Dove presses a locket into his hand, a locket that Elena wore.
- Randir weeps as he hugs Bell, and he apologizes...
- In his mind he's crying he's thinking about Theo and how he came back and why Elena didn't and why did this happen and why now and why not her and...
- Bell leaves him with parting words, "There will be times when you feel alone, but someone is there."
- We leave the city on horseback
- Theo and Randir talk
- Theo tells about his past... which is... dark.
- Randir gives a speech about how strange it is who you connect to and who connects to your life... He's overwhelmed with emotion.
- Fuckin hell, Randir is very emotional about the people of this world
- "The forest is all ebb and flow in life, but in the civilized world... there's something different." Life is more precious to him here.
- We make our way to the Sunfields
- This is the place where the Great Emperor was first injured and his blood was spilled
- Takes a few days to cross through the Sunfields
- OH and Pallas is with us
- We come across a very angular, not-natural looking, 40ft+ tall, grass covered... thing?
- Randir casts Detect Magic as a ritual
- Ulertu climbs the hill thing?? He gets to the top and it's weirdly flat.
- Randir detects Conjuration magic.
- Ulertu digs down about 2 feet and finds solid stone
- Ulertu and Theo hammer into the stone and.... fall into the space within the obelisk thing
- Randir warned them...
- Randir creates a climbing rope to get down to meet Ulertu and Theo
- He stabs a javelin into the ground and ties a rope to it
- This place is full of old, crumbling carpets and niceties
- Ulertu thinks this either a home or a tomb for a giant.
- We travel into the tomb futher, Ulertu finds some text:
- "Here lies Lord Dobvir, King of the Sunfields, he who faced the black sky"
- A feeling of unease rushes over us as we see some sort of movement in the eyes of these huge statues...
- The Amber Blade begins to shake.. he unsheathes it and it gives off a soft amber glow.
- Randir remembers: "This blade is of the mountain"
- As Randir looks up at the eyes, dark flames POUR out of the eyes of the statues......... FILLING THE CAVERN
- We run off of the street knowing the city guard would be after us for killing two of the monks
- We take a short rest
- Randir makes a promise that he will see those monks die by his hand
- He's not sure if they can continue with the Cinder Root Trio...
- but we need to tell Bell and Dove what happened, at least
- We head back to the inn... sneakily. Trying to avoid the guard.
- We go back to the inn where Elena died
- We sneak in and find a notebook on Elena's person
- She's been tracking these weapons being brought into the city (as she said)
- She was following up on the containers
- She was investigating the Shipping guild
- She was looking for a dude for Avadon Mar
- This is the dude we kind fought when we FIRST got to the city
- But Avadon Mar isn't the head honcho. She was looking for his boss.
- She was looking for a dude for Avadon Mar
- She scribbled the sigil of House Grey
- Also within that sigil is a serpent??
- The serpent resembles dragons of olde (in a circle like an Ouroboros)
- Ulertu knows more about this
- We take Elena's body back to the Cinder Root Trio
- There's a montage of emotions, fading to us on a hill on the North side of the city.
- We give Elena a proper burial, there's a lot of crying
- They're going to bring Elena back to the Cinder Root
- Randir refuses to travel with the Bell and Dove as they head back to the Cinder Root
- He's clearly very upset about Elena's death but he pushes them away claiming they need to do bigger things and doesn't want to endanger them
- Dove presses a locket into his hand, a locket that Elena wore.
- Randir weeps as he hugs Bell, and he apologizes...
- In his mind he's crying he's thinking about Theo and how he came back and why Elena didn't and why did this happen and why now and why not her and...
- Bell leaves him with parting words, "There will be times when you feel alone, but someone is there."
- We leave the city on horseback
- Theo and Randir talk
- Theo tells about his past... which is... dark.
- Randir gives a speech about how strange it is who you connect to and who connects to your life... He's overwhelmed with emotion.
- Fuckin hell, Randir is very emotional about the people of this world
- "The forest is all ebb and flow in life, but in the civilized world... there's something different." Life is more precious to him here.
- We make our way to the Sunfields
- This is the place where the Great Emperor was first injured and his blood was spilled
- Takes a few days to cross through the Sunfields
- OH and Pallas is with us
- We come across a very angular, not-natural looking, 40ft+ tall, grass covered... thing?
- Randir casts Detect Magic as a ritual
- Ulertu climbs the hill thing?? He gets to the top and it's weirdly flat.
- Randir detects Conjuration magic.
- Ulertu digs down about 2 feet and finds solid stone
- Ulertu and Theo hammer into the stone and.... fall into the space within the obelisk thing
- Randir warned them...
- Randir creates a climbing rope to get down to meet Ulertu and Theo
- He stabs a javelin into the ground and ties a rope to it
- This place is full of old, crumbling carpets and niceties
- Ulertu thinks this either a home or a tomb for a giant.
- We travel into the tomb futher, Ulertu finds some text:
- "Here lies Lord Dobvir, King of the Sunfields, he who faced the black sky"
- A feeling of unease rushes over us as we see some sort of movement in the eyes of these huge statues...
- The Amber Blade begins to shake.. he unsheathes it and it gives off a soft amber glow.
- Randir remembers: "This blade is of the mountain"
- As Randir looks up at the eyes, dark flames POUR out of the eyes of the statues......... FILLING THE CAVERN
- We spend a week in Caer Sen to chill, make potions, buy a map
- Randir gets a new fancy Wooden Flute with the help of Dove
- He plays some music with the Cinder Root Trio
- We decide we're going to travel with the Cinder Root Trio
- But also before we leave...
- Elena thinks she may have info on who smuggled weapons and poison into Caer Sen
- May be connected to the shipping guild
- Elena thinks she may have info on who smuggled weapons and poison into Caer Sen
- Pallas is gonna be travelling with us, dude got left behind by his crew
- Randir runs into Torbin Lockewood before we leave
- He apologizes for how he acted
- He wants to be better about how he feels
- He remembered his grandfather coming back as a monster...
- Dude probably was brought back as a zombie
- Two dudes hug
- "If you ever have anything you need in the city, I'd be happy to help you."
- Elena drops an animal messenger on our door
- She knows who snuck in the weapons to Caer Sen
- We go to investigate
- Randir turns into a horse so Theo can ride, Ulertu takes his horse, Twill
- Elena tells us via squirrel to head to a tavern at the end of the docks
- We get to the tavern and unsuccessfully bully a tavern worker into telling us where Elena is
- We see two half-elves eying us pretty hard and go to speak to them
- It doesn't go anywhere as Randir hears a crash upstairs
- We run upstairs see two more lves with the same tatoos as the other two we saw
- We push past them, and find Elena. Dead.
- Randir remembers: these are league of assassin elves.
- Randir casts haste on himself.
- We run and run and run catching up with these elves
- We fight. We go all out. Theo and Randir end barely alive.
- Two go down, two escape.
- Randir cries out. Chasing after the elf. Unable to come close to catching him.
- Someone has called the city guard.