From D&D Wiki
Randir is a Firbolg
Play Notes
- Pella's Wish is partly on fire
- We make our way in to get villagers out
- We come across some buildings on fire, and a fire-spirit walks out
- We begin to talk to it, Ulertu speaks Primordial, the same as this spirit.
- It says it is trying to defend the world from all who harm it.
- It says WE must be gotten rid of. UH OH
- Theo throws water on to the spirit. The fire goes out and it cringes.
- Then it opens its eyes and they glow blue... like Theo's sword.
- We fight, beat the first one. Then five more run down the hill. Shit.
- We beat them. Barely.
- We talk about what this old spirit was trying to tell us.
- Randir understands the idea of "protecting" a place. He did that in his past.
- Perhaps these creatures are evil, though? Maybe their "world" they're trying to protect is not good.
- Maybe they belong to some greater being... an evil being?
- Theo agrees. They are corrupting nature. That's never good.
- Randir suggests that maybe Pella's Wish is an abombination to these creatures. It was created by magic, and these creatures wish to change it back to what it was?
- Ulertu wants to investigate Randir's pendant. He casts Identify. It was created by the pattern of magic.
- The patterns on the amulet are used to channel power
- The amulet has no magic, but is a part of something that uses this amulet to pass magic through it(?)
- The first monster had summoned the other monsters. Whew.
- We go up the hill looking for the Rangers. The village is pretty messed up.
- We see 4 individuals: Ostrick, Harold, a wood-elf and his partner.
- The latter two are the two we saw before! That dude game me the pendant!
- The wood-elf is dead!!1!!
- Randir has a moment with the Halfling/Human dude, he apologizes that they didn't get to speak more to prevent the death of his friend.
- That night, Randir can't sleep. He's wandering around Pella's Wish "on guard" but also unable to sleep. Shocked by the horrors of these unnatural beasts.
- The Rangers don't know where these things came from.
- Ostrick is kind of getting affirmation that the beast under the mountain is real.
- Harold sends Ostrick off back to East Cliff, "They need their Ranger."
- Theo pushes for a 24-hour watch. He organizes it. The people of the town appreciate it, despite the fear it creates.
- In the morning, we see steel grass growing where the ichor was left after beating the baddies.
- Maybe people who got ichor on themselves were changed??!?!?!? OSTRICK WHO HAD ICHOR ON HIM WHEN WE MET WITH HIM??!?!?
- People are looking at us differently in the morning. But not in a good way...
- We see Stone, the Dwarven monk, preparing the dead... he calls over to us to help.
- On the mountain they burn their dead, down here they bury them.
- "It's as if we conspire to hide death, because we have no answer for it."
- He asks us if any of us have died before.
- There's going to be a ceremony tonight to attend the dead.
- He's died before. He doesn't remember. He remembers a time when he was someone else, something else. He can't see but glimpses of it...
- He thinks something is different about us, mostly Theo and Randir.
- "The darkness touched you..."
- "They can see that darkness on you..."
- he gives us some holy water. "Purge yourself."
- Randir drinks it.
- We spend the day helping the town.
- That night, we go to the ceremony for the dead.
- The town kind of comes together in this day, the night goes by much easier.
- We hit level 3 WOOHOO!!
- We wake on day 3 of the festival, it's a week long festival
- Before we start, Theo gives us some serious backstory (meta) as he swears an oath to his deity (Hoar)
- Ulertu reads into some of the books he bought from the book seller, history about the world. History about THE WAR.
- THE WAR was the settlers vs. the people already settled.
- We investigate some of the items we got from the priest
- Wand of healing - like a healing potion 2d4 + 2, 3 charges, it comes with a cool sheath
- Regains 1d3 charges every morning
- The bag is "pretty dope", it's a Handy Haversack
- Ring of Resistance: Radiant - we're gonna sell this in East Cliff
- Wand of healing - like a healing potion 2d4 + 2, 3 charges, it comes with a cool sheath
- We decide to go to East Cliff to get more information about the notes Ulertu found, and to find out more about this metal grass stuff
- As we leave town, we run into Stone. He explains to us that if we wanted to get to the Ember Monastary (where he lives), coming from Pella's Wish might be easier to get there.
- He does some sort of blessing to us and bids us farewell.
- The road is dirt and well travelled.
- Some wolves begin to follow us, in the evening, Randir goes to speak with them and warn them that "We mean you no harm." The wolves are persuaded to leave.
- He arrives back at camp silently, then tells the tale about his life back in his Forest where he had a wolf pup friend. Lion King style. Randir was Timon. lol
- In the morning we come to East Cliff.
- Lots of buildings and a GIANT mine entrance. Lots of old, sturdy buildings.
- We meet the mayor - Mayor Bulf. A Dwarf. Because. CONNECTIONS.
- We're looking for a craftsmen and a ranger.
- Mayor Bulf says every town has a Ranger
- We are directed to the blacksmith, Rastor.
- The ranger lives out in a tent on the cliff, his name is Osdrick.
- We go to see the Blacksmith. We sell the ring for 250. Ulertu gets some solvents and we take 40 gold
- Ulertu and Theo take 14 gold
- Randir takes 12 gold
- We show him the square amulet, it's fancy and precise. He's MASSIVELY impressed.
- "This is beyond anything I've ever seen."
- He's heard stories of pieces like this, it's ancient.
- The dwarves found caches like this hundreds of years ago.
- This is an artifact? Someone wears things like this... Osdrick!
- Osdrick is a dwarf.
- Rastor sends the 200 gold to the rest of town as credit.
- Osdrick has a little hut just on the outskirts of the town.
- We see Osdrick has a band clamped into his ear, it's jade-ish in color, copper & gold in color.
- Osdrick is VERY concerned about the cultists with their mouths sewn up.
- Osdrick VERY much believes in this monster under the mountain stuff. The more we tell him, the more we affirm his belief.
- Osdrick is going to go meet Harold tomorrow to discuss this.
- We decide to talk to the mayor.
- "Much of this town's history wishes to be forgotten..."
- There were creatures in the town... a long time ago.
- Armies would go into the mountain, and half would come back.
- But the rangers came. And they helped the town.
- And they faced the beasts. These demons.
- But this was before Mayor Bulf's time.
- After the monsters were defeated, the trees and plants began to grow again.
- Rangers went into the mountains, on a final push. Only one returned.
- A woman, she told the story of the sacrifice of her friends. And the valley was healed.
- He can't remember her name. A human.
- Half-related: Pella was a halfling.
- We show him the amulet. He's blown away.
- "This is from within the mountain, isn't it?"
- They found a CHUNK of this metal in the mountain.
- "As if the mountain had grown around it."
- We see Osdrick leaving the city, we chase after him. We figure, if rangers are getting together to figure this out, we should be with them.
- We camp a bit with him on the way to Pella's Wish, then get to the village.
- Osdrick reads the land the way Randir does naturally, it's respectible.
- We crest a hill towards Pella's Wish, and the city is on fire.
- Osdrick BOOKS it towards the city, handaxe in hand.
- We move through the door which was magically locked (the puzzle was to turn off the lights!)
- We come across a man with his mouth sewn shut!
- We fight the guy (because we had no choice!) then find some scrolls and books in a chest.
- His body has flecks of metal in it?!
- We investigate the hallway and hear chanting coming from a room. A fight breaks out!
- 5 priests (mouths sewn shut) + a big baddie show up. WE FIGHT!
- Randir turns into a badger, burrows and flanks the fight!
- The head priest gets bit by Randir and his bark-armor gets pulled out, there are bits of metal dug into his skin beneath the bark?!
- We find
- 4 daggers (not great)
- Priest's Scepter
- A bag of arcane components - the bag is dope, the components are not
- A worn (broken?) wand in a cool sheath
- A super ornate squarish talisman
- Randir mentions he met a blacksmith/arcanist in Leaf who was very talented with metallurgy
- His name is Gregor McFarland
- The room we found the priests have a summoning circle in the middle. Lots of tools and implements.
- But we also see metal fibers growing out of a pile of stones in a corner
- Lots of rudimentary symbols and images of a spirit/deity/god below the mountain
- Randir touches some of the fibers. They're sharp, serrated even, but also springlike. And cold
- We discover some tombs in this ritual room, but decide to not disturb the dead...
- We move on and find a room with a diagram that has some working notes on it trying to figure it out
- We find the priest's room and a chest in it: Fine clothes, fine shoes, boots, ring, notebook, papers and journal
- We leave the cave... fresh air, whew
- We see a cow and a dwarf on the road, the dwarf is Stone (yes, like the rock). Randir finds this to be HILARIOUS
- Stone lives up on he mountain at the Ember Peak Monastary, "It's a way to live. We decide to live simply."
- He doesn't know of any gods living in the mountain, but the metal shard/grass... that seems slightly familiar.
- People settled in this area trying to escape "the war"
- Many monsters lived in this land... they're mostly gone, but "we don't travel much at night for a reason."
- Two folks from the city came up the mountain, they were exploring the eastside of the peak near East Cliff
- The festival is beginning
- We meet a warrior (Human) and a half-elf druid
- Randir warns the half elf about the bad monster (corrupted mountain lion)
- Randir is very freaked out by this corruption of nature
- Before they leave to "go adventure", Randir warns the half-elf that he must heed his warning
- The half-elf gives Randir a pendant of petrified Ironwood, in the shape of a a teardrop
- He senses some kind of power in it, but not FROM the wood.
- He puts it on and senses a presence of home...
- We decide to head out into the mountains towards where we think the clay came from
- We bought some poison cure and a potion of healing
- We travel for the rest of the day and rest
- In the night, Harold the Ranger shows up and let's Randir (who is on watch) that he has been investigating the caves and have marked the ones he cleared / investigated
- He warns them about the mountain being perilous for people who are not prepared to climb
- We push into a cave, and find it worn...
- We discover a few rusted bits, but then... A SNAKE! IT'S CORRUPTED!
- We kill the snake and find some papers! And a DOOR!!!!
Side notes
- Ironwood is a holy tree in the forests for Randir
- The trees are never harvested, but instead are used when branches naturally break or lightning strikes
- Speaking to Ironwood trees is like speaking to an old wizend monk who only speaks in high metaphor
- If you can interpret these trees well, you are something of a holy person in the forest