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Revision as of 03:49, 30 January 2022 by Mike (talk | contribs) (→‎Play Notes)

Play Notes


  • We make our way towards the Blooming Pools
  • We know that this area is home to some of the first elves in the forest, including the monestary associated the assassins we saw in Caer Sen
  • We begin to see the pools, and the area becomes bog-like... but not decomposing like a bog
  • We come across the remains of a castle, overrun by growth
    • Randir knows that this forest is old and Elven
    • The elves are providing the greenery with renewed life and reclamation power
  • We continue on the road, it's well traveled and well kept
  • Ulertu hears some fighting ahead, we move forward to investigate
  • We see a person in Order of Truth robes fighting off a Troll
    • Based on what we hear, it sounds like there's more of these Trolls
  • We get into the fight and it's a big ol fight but mostly us flexing our new skills
  • Looks like Statrus Stormwall (the blue skinned fella that Ulertu knows) is off to investigate an Obelisk...
  • Randir finds it odd because, well, the gang is investigating them too...
  • Stratus seems a bit absentminded about who hired him
  • Stratus says, "It's great that we're gathering knowledge to share" (sort of)
    • Randir has genuinely not thought about the time "after" this adventure... after this goal of stopping the evils of the world.
    • Would he find a partner? Would he settle down? How would he even pass this information on?
      • In song? In story? In practice?
  • Starus talks about magic with everyone and Randir realizes **Druidic magic basically does not exist**
    • Meta wise: This is because of choices made in Ember Peak and in the one-shot we did
    • Stratus basically says: Magic isn't innate, it MUST be taught (ie. Sorcerer's / Druids)
  • Is this the first time Randir has talked in depth about magical theory with other magic users
  • Travertine Rise is Stratus' buddy and he kind of INNATELY casts spells, and Stratus keeps them around to learn more about this innate magic
  • Randir expounds about how magic kind of CAME to him, the Druidic language suddenly was in his mind
    • All of Randir's power flows in and around nature, it's at the core of all he does
  • Stratus is studying OLD magics of life and death
  • We're about a half day to the next town...


  • We prep and head back to Fennel Ridge
  • Randir is thinking about how much he DOESN'T know...
  • Getting to Fennel Ridge, we tell the excited kids of the town what we've been up to
    • Seems Cas has hidden the Eagle's existence from the town
  • And in town, they're butchering a whole bunch of drakes in the middle of town
  • Cas tells us that they cleaned out the drake nest that was disturbed by the Eagle
  • They found a few items in the nest...
    • Randir gets a new staff: Staff of Healing
    • Theo gets a ring of spell storing
    • Uletru gets a tome of clarity
  • Turns out our damn horses just came back to town?
  • A blue-skinned guy and a dude with pointy teeth came through town a day after we left
    • Not the mage...
  • Randir is offered some scales from the killed drakes... to make some Dragon Scale Mail (AC 15 + Dex)!!
  • We know we need to go north, and the Obelisks we've come across and broken are important -- 2 of (at least) 5
    • Everyone's seeking to destroy them... but we need to gain the knowledge they give us before others find them and destroy them
  • Next, we need to head through the Forest of the Blooming Pools
    • As a note, we're reminded that there's a Monastary of folks who attacked us in Caer Sen somewhere in that forest
  • We spend the night relaxing for a bit, maybe doing a bit of partying
  • And we rest...
    • Theo dreams of Hoar and a growing darkness in the sky
    • Randir dreams of a grove, a druid's grove
      • He sees people walking about, carelessly, with ignorance
      • He recalls hearing the voice of Elena telling him about the Chosen One, a tool to push destiny towards a better outcome
      • This is Randir's charge, but it doesn't jive with his idea of destiny
      • Randir sees "destiny" beyond comprehending and damaging to try to seek, "Whatever happens, happens"
      • But Randir, on Elena's ask, needs to find this chosen person... even if it goes against his own belief
      • This grove is special, and he needs to find it
      • In this grove, Randir hears fragments of what the people here are saying... it's prayer -- prayer to spirits, gods, nature, etc.
        • This is some kind of holy place beyond being a druidic grove, lots of power here
      • Behind Randir is a giant tree, the same that he saw in his previous vision... but there are also motes of light like we saw in the Limbo world
      • The light washes over Randir, and he briefly wakes up then falls back to sleep
  • We wake up the next day and are rested, ready to move forward on our journey on our horses
  • We do a little scouting to see if the mage came near here, Ulertu looks into the two other dudes who came into town
    • Uluertu remembers the blue-skinned mage, he was a little obsessed with Revival / resurrection magic
  • The town gathers together to see us off and it's real nice


  • We follow Barrowcroft to his camp
    • Randir is only going along with this business of killing the elk out of respect for Theo
  • Barrowcroft has been keeping a lot of notes at his camp (making ink, etc.)
  • Randir feels like this guy's behavior is wild and erratic (insight check)
    • Randir notices vials of herbs scattered around, and he's been burning random things he finds in the forest
  • This dude has been "taking" back from the forest
  • But he's able to cast a makeshift "Locate Creature" which shows that his former companions are still here but live as motes of light that we saw before
  • Randir is confused, this feels like fate... we were on a path, but now we're in a grove
    • Is this the grove mentioned in his dream?
      • If it is, who is the child of destiny? What will he need to choose?
  • Randir asks about a giant red tree... does it exist?
    • Barrowcroft says it's not here, but it's somewhere far from here. A place he'd visited in his youth.
  • Barrowcroft says there's a meadow in the center of the forest, there are 3 pools and 3 large trees-- it's here where the giant elk sleeps
    • Dude wants to kill the elk with our help
  • Randir doesn't want to kill this elk, but maybe we can reason with it
    • He doesn't want to make the same mistake he made with the Eagle
  • We decide to try to trap the Elk so maybe we can reason with it
  • Randir and Ulertu go off to get Pallas to bring him to this camp where the magic seems to be less potent and stealing
    • Also to get the armor and weapons they left
  • Theo and Barrowcroft have a talk, a talk about death...
  • Randir and Ulertu approach the grove where we left Pallas and the fuckin ELK is there
  • Randir tries to speak with the Elk
  • The elk moves and Pallas is not there, but his belongings are gone too
  • We hear a voice call out to us and we run over to where Pallas was
  • The Elk is gone off into the forest
  • Randir don's his things again and expresses his worry about Barrowcroft
  • Maybe we just follow the elk and split the party
  • Yeah, shit. Let's go.
    • We're going Two Towers, baby
  • But... Randir can't find any tracks of this elk... he thinks it's tracks are being masked
    • He believes this Elk has the ability to mask its tracks, like a spellcaster... maybe this IS a druid?
  • Ulertu and Randir decide to head to the meadow without Theo and Barrowcroft
    • Maybe they can figure out the ordeal with this elk before Theo and Barrowcroft get there
    • Randir is worried that Barrowcroft may be hunt-hungry even if we trap this elk to try to reason with it
  • We follow a path for a long while, the sun begins to set... the starts begin to reveal themselves
  • There are 3 pools in the meadow, reflecting light
  • We see movement outside the edge of the meadow and Randir casts Pass without Trace
  • Ulertu creates an extradimensional portal for us to hide in
  • Theo and Barrowcroft go searching for us (thinking us taken by the elk)
    • But Barrowcrowft says he needs Theo by his side to kill the elk... Theo says he will if there is no other choice
  • The gang all arrives at once
  • Combat starts... Barrowcroft casts a hold creature spell, randir frees the elk and yells he wants to understand the elk... MID BATTLE
  • Suddenly, Randir sees a vision
    • People come to the forest here... when they are looking for something
    • This forest is a place to help discover where they need to be next
    • A vision of another group trying to understand... when they understand, they turn into light and drift away
      • Others in this group do not find understanding, and stay... for a long time. They are tied to the past, but they leave another way, going back to where they came from
    • One person remains, he can't go back, back to where he came from and refuses to move on... this place becomes a prision for him. He makes this place his life because he refuses to move on.
    • Those who go back, wake up and this was a dream. Others who go back are never seen again.
      • Those who cannot go back are already dead... like Barrowcroft
    • This elk is the avatar of this whole place
  • We gotta stop Barrowcroft... he's already dead
  • We fight and... Barrowcroft falls
  • Randir relays what the elk showed him and leaves Theo to Barrowcroft to talk
  • We hear a voice... "Randir! Theo! Ulertu!"
  • It's Pallas!
  • We all wake up... Randir wraps him in a bear hug
  • And we pack up to make our way onto FENNEL RIDGE
    • Randir understands that the spell that we were all under during this "dream" was caused by the spell "Dream"


  • It's noon... We're a few hundred feet from our camp, tired on the beach
  • Someone hired these mages and it was probably Theo's dad.
    • These guys are looking for these giant stones of power and break them / open the seals on them
    • We've done that to two of the seals...
    • One is in the Strand and one is in the forests by the Blooming Pools, North East of where we are now
  • Maybe we need to head to The Blooming Pools next
  • We're a day's ride from Fennel's Ridge...
  • Our horses are no where to be found
  • We take a short rest
  • Randir catches the trail of the horses, but after some time, it seems like they were moving with purpose... someone took our horses.
  • We settle to rest
  • Pallas thanks Randir for his kind words in the underwater lab
    • Randir reminds him, "Every day is a success. Hold to that. Let that momentum build."
  • He hears a rustling in the distance... and suddenly, he feels overwelmingly tired... and falls asleep
  • In his slumber, Randir is pulled into a sideways dreamscape
    • Lights move around him, he sees Theo, Pallas, and Ulertu pulled along side of him
    • He's in a dark meadow, save these moving orbs of light
    • He's suddenly at a campsite similar to the one he was at...
  • As he comes to his senses, he's at the base of a tree, but only he is awake
  • He casts a charge of the Staff of Flowers to "protect" his friends who are unconscious
  • Randir moves to the center of the meadow
  • There is a clear pool of water, it's moving from beyond the tree
  • We all drink from the water and recover HP and spell slots, exhaustion is removed (this isn't a long rest)
  • Randir feels like this is almost a religious experience... there is a reverence to this place
  • We see some movement beyond the trees
  • Randir feels like there isn't someone here to hurt us, and he decides to move towards it
  • We move up the 5ft ledge and an ENORMOUS elk walks out from the treeline (antlers as wide as Randir is tall)
  • Super elegant, it regards us
  • Randir nods to it, greeting it in beast speech
  • He asks, "Did you bring us here?" it doesn't respond
  • Randir tells his friends, "Maybe we need to follow it?"
  • Suddenly, there is a loud bark, and a huge arrow hits the elk in the neck
  • It runs and we follow... follow for 20 mins
  • Finally the elk slows and lays down next to a pool of water
  • It behinds to heal as it drinks from this pool of water
  • Ulertu notices something glistening in the water
  • Randir reaches in and pulls a metal helm out of the water and an empty scabbard
    • The helm is cracked along the side
  • Theo has seem helms like this in the Strand, the blacksmith worked at Barrowcraft Manor
  • The elk leaves and Randir calls out, "What was the point of this? Why did you bring us here?" and it leaves
  • We hear movement coming towards us, an animal sniffing
  • Randir goes to head off the movement, and he comes to see an older man and his dog
  • So.. he asks us if we've been here long.. Randir says no but that he has friends
  • The guy asks if one of us didn't make it, Randir says sort of... one of us is still in a slumber
  • This guy thinks the elk is what's keeping people here
  • "I am Simon Barrowcroft" he says
  • And he thinks we're going to help him kill this elk, Randir is a little confused but decides to take him to Ulertu and Theo
  • Randir brings his guy to the group and Theo kneels
  • Looks like this dude has been gone from the Strand since Theo left...... WEIRD
  • Well shit, this ALSO is pointing back to Theo's dad and the Strand
  • This dude is dead set on killing this elk, he says it will take us one by one... like it did Pallas
  • Randir cannot accept this, "I cannot believe this. I won't. He is saying pallas is dead, I will not accept this"
  • And he runs off to the grove
  • Simon drops Theo's armor in front of him, "We must kill this beast."
  • Randir and Ulertu run to Pallas, Randir frantically trying to figure out how to save Pallas
  • We feed some of the water to Pallas, it helps minorly
  • Ulertu tries mixing some of the water with ichor... they won't mix
  • Randir is frantic. He needs to do something for Pallas.
  • He clears the flowers and wildlife from around Pallas and wraps him in the Cloak of Elvenkind to protect him from the forest
    • "I hope this will protect him from the forest trying to take from him"
    • "It's likely the forest is taking from us as well, we just have more to take compared to Pallas"
  • Simon and Theo show up, Randir is... pissed
  • Simon seems to really not care for this forest
  • Simon barrowcroft leads us off to the forest where he has a camp. He wants to plan a hunt.


  • Despite being injured, we explore a bit
  • We come across a giant monster ichor dude who is dead and a Giant skeleton
  • There are two large containers in a room off of the laboratory
  • They maybe look like sarcofigi
  • There's an enormous canister in the center of this room that is full of swirling grey liquid (or surrounded by it)
  • We decide to take a short rest (PHEW)
  • We do a little investigation:
    • The big dead ichor-like dude who hasn't vanished looks like he was made OF the ichor, not a corruption of something by the ichor
      • Randir knows that when these things are damaged, they will likely go away or be disintigrated
        • Randir's sword, made of the mountain, the Amber blade will dispell these dudes
      • This guy died from other means
    • Ulertu discovers some warding magic on these sarcofigi
      • TLDR; warding magic, to keep things out? or in?
  • We find a journal that has some info about the mage who ran off and a vial of something the Mage was using... a sample of metal glass?
    • They had a fucking bet about doing some nasty deeds???
    • All things seem to be pointing to the North... to the Spire
    • Theo walks off, this mage was hired by his dad???
  • Randir says, "We must do something to stop them, and quickly"
  • Randir asks Pallas for a read on things as Theo walks off, concerned about the journals
    • Randir reads from him: Pallas is someone who has lost everything and he hasn't had the chance to take his own power back
    • Randir has bonded with this dude, and maybe his words have given Pallas more hope for the future
  • Pallas points out that the only thing out of place in this summoning spell is the plant...
  • Randir begins to conclude a whole myriad of ideas:
    • What if this metal plant allows mages to tap into a power beyond their means?
    • And the Empress can innately tap into that power?
    • And the giants found a way to tap into it as well...
    • But then something showed up to stop it... what if it was the "Ichor"?
    • Someone told us a while back they they were here to cleanse the land; what if it wasn't to cleanse the NATURAL world but it was this power that these mages are tapping into?
    • And the Empress is old, her power is old... What if there is a balance and these mages are tipping it?
  • Randir notices a word in the spell circle... in a language rarely spoken, hardly written... Druidic
    • The word is "Death"
    • Whoever wrote this does not know druidic
    • The mage memorized the shape of the sigil, but the druidic is like a copy not someone who knows the language...
      • He got this knowledge from somewhere
  • We decide we probably need to make our way to the Spire ASAP.
  • We check out the cage on the south side of the room
    • We surmise that this was where the giant eagle was being held
  • But the eagle was here when this lake was a valley
  • We look at the wall of water... which looks to be a tank
    • Dimly, we can see there is a another wall beyond this one
  • Randir casts Daylight in the murky water
  • The glass on the opposite side is cracked...
  • Below our level we can see water has filled in the floor below us from the crack
  • An enormous grey-blue body is below us with a huge dark eye... (A shark, but Randir doesn't know what that is)
    • This huge thing moves SUPER quick out of the building and out into the lake through the crack
  • We try to decide if we want to open the sarcophagi...
    • Ulertu does a bit of reading from the books the mage left
    • He comes across a bit about a dude from the one-shot campaign we did for the bachelor party!
    • The dude wrote about four standing stones... we've seen two of them before!
    • The mage wrote some notes: These standing stones exist for a reason and are powerful, they exist to HOLD something back (and his boss is looking for them)
    • The mage's boss wants these stones destroyed
    • There is one in the top of the tower, one in the strand, one in the old forests by the Cinder Root, one that hasn't been found (but Ulertu knows it's in the tomb we were in)
    • The standing stones seems to have been built in a rished fashion
  • But no info about the sarcophagi...
  • We go to try to open them, but we can't seem to figure out what to do?
  • Theo reads the runes with his Paladin powers. He knows exactly what these things are / what they do:
    • They seem to be inert magical devices that are mean to protect and clean the liquid that's in the chamber in the middle of the room
    • Whatever corruption occurs in the chamber, they purge it
  • But the magic has faded
  • Now, though, theo knows that with working with Ulertu... they could purify the black ichor!
  • And Randir recalls that the Eagle asked us to either protect or destroy this place...
  • We decide to flood the place, so we break the giant glass with Magic Stone / Eldritch Blast to swim out through the other side
  • And the glass shatters
  • We swim out...
  • Ulertu sees that the chain we followed down is now gone... eff
  • Ulertu feels a prescence in the water, a familiar feeling from beneath Ember Peak
    • He feels that presence circling around him... it's the shark!!
  • We swim up..... and the fucking SHARK SHOWS UP
  • We fight, barely managing to escape
    • Thanks to Randir's summoned Water Elemental!
  • We manage to swim back to shore, all gaining a level of exhaustion
  • And the sessions ends as we all lay exhausted on the shore of the lake...


  • We get a little healing from Pallas who is VERY winded by using his magic
  • Randir does some sneaky sneaks to try to see where these other cultists are
  • He goes invisible then sees there's a LOT of these dudes
  • He moves to a hidden corner and casts Spike Growth around a bunch of dudes
  • The cultists are doing some sort of ritual
  • We fight some dudes, and Randir flies over a great eagle to try to interrupt the end of the ritual
  • But we don't stop it and some nasty fucking dog gets summoned from a ritual circle
  • Randir gets grappled by a cultist and the dog burns then poisons him
    • Lowers his HP max by NINE
    • Can make another save against this every 24 hours
    • The poison makes him feel like the bleakness of the world was always meant to happen. It feels like the darkness of the world will take over...
  • Randir goes down, so does Theo...
  • The mage gets away dammit
  • We do a bit of healing and Theo removes the poison from both of us
  • We end on the four of us (including Pallas) in the silence of this Giant Laboratory


  • We're woken up by Pallas, he saw figures and a boat out on the lake
  • Randir casts Water Walk (1hr) and Water Breathing (24hr) on everyone
  • We walk out to the boat, but it's actually three boats tied together, no one is in the boats
  • Randir surmises that this lake is DEEEEP
  • The boats have a few empty crates, the crates are marked by a diving bird
  • We make our way into the depths, using the boat anchor to pull us downward
  • Randir senses movement a distance away in the water and informs the group via hand signals
  • It starts to get dark...
  • Theo pulls out his sword, giving us enough light
  • We get to the bottom and see that someone has knocked a hole in the side of a HUGE building
  • The "hole" looks to be a tunnel
  • We decide to go around the building and Theo notices a second floor
  • Randir turns into a giant octopus and swims up
  • He sees torches inside, figures moving inside dressed in dark clothing
    • There are 4 vats of liquid on the other side of the window, an ENORMOUS skeleton beside it
  • 5 figures walk past, 2 stop by the skeleton and look into the vats
  • We make our way back to the tunnel and into the building (2nd floor)
  • Randir casts Pass Without Trace on everyone and we move in
  • We're being real sneaky
  • We come across a giant skeleton that apparently collapsed here, not in a fight...
    • Ulertu takes a shaving of the bones
  • We find a HUGE Basin, Theo climbs up to look into it
    • Immaculately carved, but empty
    • Randir asks, "Why would they build this for smaller people to climb?"
  • We find another Giant skeleton, slumped in a corner
  • We come across some dudes... well, cultists. Similar to the dudes we ran into under the mountain WAYYY back when
  • We beat the dudes up
  • Ulertu looks into the contents of the desks
  • Randir looks at some of the mushrooms, some appear to be growing out of a grate where moisture is collecting...
  • We get in some fights with some dudes and it only partially goes our way.
  • There are more people beyond where we are now... and they're ready to fight us.


  • Ulertu scoops up some of the ichor from the mage -- who is completely made of ichor it seems
  • The rest sinks into the ground...
  • Randir offers to heal the eagle, but it doesn't seem to trust us
  • But the thing is: We came here to "deal" with this Eagle
  • Pallas casts some sort of spell to allow Randir to speak to the Eagle
    • Randir passes along a memory of who he is: A wanderer, a traveller, someone leaving The Forest with no certainty of when he would be back
    • Randir gets a memory of the Eagle's life, becoming a warrior, the shiny new tower, and then darkness as it sleeps.
    • The memory continues with the bird waking, fighting through stone and water, and then atop the tower
      • So it does what it was trained to do: It watches, it retrieves things, it kills, it protects
  • So Randir asks what the bird still needs to do
    • He gets images of whoever took the bird in the first place, in a cold building... somewhere
      • The bird is worried about the weapons it was building
  • Can it take us to this cold building?
    • But it shows him an image of struggling out of stone and water
  • The building is in the fucking lake
  • We decide to rest
  • Pallas has trouble sleeping and takes over watch from Ulertu
  • Theo has some DREAMS
    • Hoar has some info to give to Theo
  • Randir has some DREAMS
    • Randir is in a forest, everything else is silent
    • He hears a stream, so he heads towards it
    • There is a hooded figure across the stream, but the stream is deep and wide
    • This dude asks about who randir is and what it is he wants
      • Randir wants to know what his place in the universe is. He needs to seek out the greater world because he was touched by something MORE and needs to understand what his place in the greater... everything.
    • The voice warns him that Randir must do what they could not. They point, and there's a giant red tree. Suddenly the river is full of dead fish.
    • Randir must find the child of destiny
      • He asks, "Why me?"
      • "If not you, then another would come along."
    • The face turns.
      • IT'S A SKELETON. IT'S ELENA???? Kind of???
    • They say: There is a grove, a place where a god's blood was spilled, there you will find the child of destiny, there you will know what it means to choose
    • The wind rises and the real Elena cries out, "I'm not gone!" as everything is washed away into darkness"
  • Ulertu has some dreams
    • Ulertu sees some business about a building
  • Pallas wakes us up, it looks like someone took a boat out into the lake... UH OH


  • Randir squirms out of the claws of the giant bird
  • Randir notices markings on the eagle's neck
  • Ulertu, Pallas, and Randir run to the pit trap as Theo fights the eagle from its back
  • We get the bird's attention at the pit trap
  • Theo notices that the eagle has a large leather strap around its talon, like a holder
  • We fight, we trap the bird...
  • but SUDDENLY a nasty, no mouthed, yell eyed person, covered in black ichor, comes out of the lake with 3 corrupted wolves
  • We fight, and this dude is counterspelling us and wrecking SHIT
    • Eating spells left and right
  • Randir heals the bird
  • The bird joins our side and fights the dude, but the mage is POWERFUL
  • Pallas almost dies
  • The mage captures Randir's Call Lightning and casts it back at him but Pallas manages to cast Counterspell to stop it, then collapses
  • In Randir's last ditch attempt to kill this thing, he pulls the Amber Blade, runs 20 feet and slices the mage.... in twain
  • Ulertu gives everyone a potion of healing
  • End on silence as the Eagle looks us over


  • We enter the room with the noon-day sunlight
  • The whole room's ceiling is gone
  • In the middle of the room, there's an enormous pile of oversized kindling.... aka a nest
  • It smells nice but there's a putrid smell... a dead wyvern
    • A pretty big wyvern
  • There's a bunch of scattered feather... some longer than we are tall
  • Randir sees scattered pieces of metal and glass...
    • The glass looks like it's pieces from a bowed disc
    • The glass looks worn
    • The glass and metal were originally part of something HUGE
  • Ulertu reads some runes, they mention "The Black Sky"
    • The Giant King (from a previous session) opposed the Black Sky
  • Ulertu finds a locked box and uses a key he's been holding on to since before this gang got together
  • Inside the box
    • A cloth pinned to a piece of metal, an ororoboros sigil on the cloth
    • A Clutch of Letters
      • The letters seem to be correspondence between three parties???
        • Someone is trying to investigate the glyphs here
        • There two runes on a letter, a sigil for the Black Sky and an arcane lock
        • The last letter mentions "people camping in the woods" aka US
    • A small stone that looks very worn / handled
      • A Stone of Good Luck (+1 to saves, +1 to ability scores)
    • A Scroll Tube
    • Inside, a scroll of Daylight
  • Ulertu gives Randir the Stone of Luck (aka a Luckstone)
  • Theo gives Ulertu the scroll of Daylight
  • Theo and Randir go to investigate the nest
    • Why does this bird stay here? Is this bird super duper natural?
    • There isnt anything magically enhanced here
    • There's a strong thrumming of magic coming from the rock slab nearby that Ulertu read from
    • The bed of the nest is very soft and cool from grass settled in the base of it
  • Pallas passes over a feather
    • 8ft long
  • Randir surmises that this bird is going to have a wingspan in the triple digits
  • We ponder the magic coming from the tablet / rock slab
    • Is it keeping the bird here?
    • Is the bird guarding the slab?
  • Theo does some DIVINE SENSE on this bad boy
    • The air becomes sharp and crisp as Theo pushes his will out to the stone
    • Theo sees images of Giants performing magic on this stone sometime in the past
    • The power in this stone isn't good or evil, but it is protective
  • We perform a ritual to remove the power from the tablet
    • An explosion of light and energy and power washes over uses
  • Suddenly, Randir is in the woods... the sun is setting
    • It reminds him of home... it's not his forest but it feels like home
    • There's a fragrence of life
    • The pendant of petrified iron feels like it's moving under his shirt
    • He pulls it out to look at it... it feels warm like it's full of life but looks black, void black
      • The pendant begins to change, the heart of the wood becomes... seeable, feelable. It's glowing
    • The wood is more stone than wood, but life comes in anything
    • The orange power blossoms from within...
    • Randir sees a moment coming where there is danger, Randir (or one of his friends) are in danger
      • A calamity befalls them
    • But Randir KNOWS how to prevent this from happening
  • Jump back to Theo and Pallas and Ulertu...
  • Similar bits happen to Ulertu, Theo simply sees us blink away
  • Back in the real world, Randir's Pendant is now amber and speckled with starlight
    • It's a Stone of Fates
  • Everyone gets some goodies
  • Theo saw the magic of the tablet dissipate
    • He's confidence anyone in the area also saw this happen
  • Don't worry, Randir just turns into a Giant Eagle and Ulertu elarges him
    • Ulertu and Theo get on his wings, Pallas gets into a claw
  • WE FLY
  • Ulertu and Randir use some BRAND new abilities to MAX OUT THIS ROLL
    • DC 25??? MORE LIKE WE ROLLED A 26 and get to the ground, saving everyone
    • But the Eagle tears at Randir as the giant eagle
  • Randir pops back to himself but is still grappled by the eagle


  • We head into the cave
  • We try to sneak around some lizards..
  • But we survive
  • We head onward but discover a scroll in a small alcove (there's a +1 dagger and 5gp 3cp)
  • It seems some folks writing in elven say that they want to protect the tower and the giant eagle....
  • Pallas finds ash and asks, "Could this have to do with the assassins from last night?"
  • Shiiit. It might.
  • Pallas asks, "Should we destroy this place?"
    • Theo: "If it has to do with my father, then yes."
  • We gotta see why the Order of the Dragon has to do with this place
  • We head out of the cave, upward
  • We pass through a hole in a wall where a slab of stone used to sit
  • We enter the tower....
  • A huge circular room... looks like it may be made for giants.
  • We take a short rest (and get some HP + spells back)
  • In our rest, we look around a bit.
    • Climbing the stairs here is gonna be a bit tough
    • The large door of this room heads to a building attach to a building at the base of to tower
  • The only ways out of this room seem to be:
    • Through the big door
    • Repelling down the side of the building
    • Back through the cavern
    • Up the stairs
  • So we head up the stairs that are very worn (just from time)
  • We make our way up the stairs... BARELY
  • We get to a cracked door, the light of noon-day sun shining through
  • We squeeze through... and we're in the highest room of the tower


  • We wake up and decide to set a bunch of traps for the giant eagle
  • A pit + magical plant growth (Randir)
  • A fire-bomb ewok-style trap (Theo)
  • A crossbow trap with 20 bolts (20d6) (Ulertu)
  • We sleep again and wake before dawn
  • Pallas noticed splashing in the night, Randir (as a badger) goes to investigate
  • He sees tracks but can't figure out to what, some sort of large, stinky lizard
  • We head to the tower with Pass without Trace
  • We come to an underbrush and Randir notices the same smell he noticed from the stinky lizard... and a huge impact as if something fell from high above
  • We figure something was dragged in to an opening under the tower...
  • We look into the opening and see that it eventually slopes down to water
  • Ulertu notices some bits noted on the walls written in "Academic Cant"
    • To go up, go down
    • The notes are above
  • Randir says, "nah, let's do waterwalk"
    • Cast as a ritual
  • Pallas gives us a little boost and we see a large reptile
  • It slips into the water
  • Theo knows that we're in a lizard den...
  • And the session ENDS


  • The townsfolk show up to the end of the fight and Kass tells us we should chat
  • She suggests we go off to the tower without her
  • Randir suggests that we try to reason with the eagle...
  • She says it might be possible... but good luck
    • If it does come to blows, she tells us that we should plan with some traps
    • She's dropped some traps in the area already
  • Randir knows (after some thinking) that reasoning with this GARGANTUAN eagle might not be possible
  • He suggests surveying the area tomorrow as a beast
  • Ulertu reads a cool book that he has
    • An old Giant had a rookery of fuckin eagles!?
  • We get to the ruins and seek out Kass' trap materials
  • Randir turns into an elk and investigates the area, heading toward the lake
    • Randir sees footsteps walking along the beach
  • We camp for the night and then we get JUMPED
  • We blast these dudes to hell but we leave one alive
  • Turns out these dudes work for Theo's dad
  • This dude only wants to talk to Theo, so Ulertu and Randir walk away a bit
  • This guy believes humanity is not permitted in the world
    • The older races shape everything and control the lesser races
    • "Even the gods seek our demise"
    • The Order of the Dragon is a promise/will to show the older races that we are capable
    • Their goal is to make a mark on the world like the old races did
    • Not as individuals but as a people
    • They want to create a place for humanity
    • "As long as the empress lives, humanity will not be able to choose their own destiny."
  • Theo kills the dude.
  • We ask a lot of questions about... everything in the world
  • There is a silence in the forest a long while
  • Theo's dad is a bad dude. Pallas vows to stand by Theo if it means bringing that man to justice.
  • We rest. Phew.


  • We make our way towards a village on the trail
    • The sign we see reads: Fennel Ridge
  • The village is around the widened river we've been following
  • A woman with a boat pulls himself across the river to us using a slack line
    • She has a raven on her shoulder
    • Her name is Kass and she's a Ranger
  • Randir tells her that we ran into some Drakes up river
  • She seems a little concerned and asks if she needs help can she call on us
    • Randir is MORE than willing to offer their help
  • We walk into town and see everyone gathered near the tavern, a huge party kind of thing is going on. Everyone is eating and having a good time.
  • We meet Lang, he's a little confused by us
  • Turns out he runs the [Something Cabbage]
  • Dude's impressed by Theo's armor
  • Turns out two Order of Truth guys came through Fennel Ridge not too long ago
    • Young guy, blue skin
    • Big man, pointy teeth
    • Ulertu knows these folks
    • They were heading north
  • Two other cloaked individuals came through as well
    • Nursing injuries, paid in full, left the next morning
  • Could those two dudes be League of Assassin dudes???
  • We do some canoodling in the town, folks seem to like us
  • The two dudes had gone to see some nearby ruins
    • The Lonely Tower
    • The river opens to a lake, and the Lonely Tower is nearby
  • Lang says there's a beast that hangs out in the Lonely Tower
  • Lang says some odd things have been happening since the two dudes came through
    • Kass says there were footprints that folks should be on the lookout for...
  • We talk to Kass
    • She tells us about beasts that have been attacking... maybe Wyverns?
  • We ask about the Lonely Tower
    • There might be a GIANT EAGLE in the tower?
  • We decide to sleep, we'll meet Kass tomorrow
  • We walk the village in the morning
  • And then some dude comes running into town, something's attacked a farmer
  • We get to this farm, and there's fuckin drakes and goddamn wolves
  • They're attacking Lang who came to get fooD!!!
  • It's heading to a dark spindle.... The Lonely Tower


  • The flames pouring down these statues become two spectral figures made of ETHEREAL FLAME
    • More spectral creatures show up
    • Randir loses some permanent HP (long rest will fix)
  • Thank the gods for Moonbeam and a Paladin
  • After the fight, Randir's sword is still slightly vibrating
  • What else lies here?
  • We walk for a bit and find another room
  • There is a seal on a rock... on the ground
  • We investigate
  • Randir medidtaes and casts Detect Magic as a ritual
    • He sees into the "magical ethereal realm of magic"
  • He hears a voice, sad, "Free me...."
  • Randir pushes, "Why?"
  • "I have been trapped here for so long, please release me..."
  • Randir breaks from his trance and tells Ulertu and Theo what he heard
    • He believes whatever is being held by this seal is trapped, chained by the magic
  • We decide tobreak the seal and free the spirit
  • Randir casts Haste on everyone
  • We manage to make it out alive
    • Thanks Haste!
  • We run out of the collapsing hillside
  • Pallas is very confused
  • We head over to a creek to rest
  • Pallas says, "Perhaps you releasing this power was releasing something back to nature itself..."
  • Randir ponders on this, "This power was great... larger than a creek, a bird... something... " He can't find a way to describe it
  • We think on this for a while
  • Randir feels a breeze and notices a type of reed he can use to make into upgraded armor
    • His focus on this is peaceful and intent on the task
  • A small white fin swims up the river and JUMPS OUT AND ATTACKS Randir
  • FUCK
  • We kill two of these monsters... and there is silence.
  • They were drakes
    • They served larger, greater serpents
  • Ulertu knows that the Giants bent the lesser serpents to their will
  • There have been rumors from the rangers that they need to deal with monsters like this...
    • Remember the dude in White Tree?
  • We figure out that if there's two here... there's probably more.
  • Pallas heals us a little
  • Pallas also notes that there is a town near by. Perhaps we should head there
  • We pack up and head toward the town on our horses as the sun sets


  • We run off of the street knowing the city guard would be after us for killing two of the monks
  • We take a short rest
  • Randir makes a promise that he will see those monks die by his hand
  • He's not sure if they can continue with the Cinder Root Trio...
  • but we need to tell Bell and Dove what happened, at least
  • We head back to the inn... sneakily. Trying to avoid the guard.
  • We go back to the inn where Elena died
  • We sneak in and find a notebook on Elena's person
    • She's been tracking these weapons being brought into the city (as she said)
    • She was following up on the containers
  • She was investigating the Shipping guild
    • She was looking for a dude for Avadon Mar
      • This is the dude we kind fought when we FIRST got to the city
    • But Avadon Mar isn't the head honcho. She was looking for his boss.
  • She scribbled the sigil of House Grey
    • Also within that sigil is a serpent??
    • The serpent resembles dragons of olde (in a circle like an Ouroboros)
      • Ulertu knows more about this
  • We take Elena's body back to the Cinder Root Trio
    • There's a montage of emotions, fading to us on a hill on the North side of the city.
    • We give Elena a proper burial, there's a lot of crying
  • They're going to bring Elena back to the Cinder Root
  • Randir refuses to travel with the Bell and Dove as they head back to the Cinder Root
    • He's clearly very upset about Elena's death but he pushes them away claiming they need to do bigger things and doesn't want to endanger them
  • Dove presses a locket into his hand, a locket that Elena wore.
    • Randir weeps as he hugs Bell, and he apologizes...
    • In his mind he's crying he's thinking about Theo and how he came back and why Elena didn't and why did this happen and why now and why not her and...
    • Bell leaves him with parting words, "There will be times when you feel alone, but someone is there."
  • We leave the city on horseback
  • Theo and Randir talk
    • Theo tells about his past... which is... dark.
  • Randir gives a speech about how strange it is who you connect to and who connects to your life... He's overwhelmed with emotion.
    • Fuckin hell, Randir is very emotional about the people of this world
    • "The forest is all ebb and flow in life, but in the civilized world... there's something different." Life is more precious to him here.
  • We make our way to the Sunfields
    • This is the place where the Great Emperor was first injured and his blood was spilled
    • Takes a few days to cross through the Sunfields
  • OH and Pallas is with us
  • We come across a very angular, not-natural looking, 40ft+ tall, grass covered... thing?
  • Randir casts Detect Magic as a ritual
  • Ulertu climbs the hill thing?? He gets to the top and it's weirdly flat.
  • Randir detects Conjuration magic.
  • Ulertu digs down about 2 feet and finds solid stone
  • Ulertu and Theo hammer into the stone and.... fall into the space within the obelisk thing
    • Randir warned them...
  • Randir creates a climbing rope to get down to meet Ulertu and Theo
    • He stabs a javelin into the ground and ties a rope to it
  • This place is full of old, crumbling carpets and niceties
  • Ulertu thinks this either a home or a tomb for a giant.
  • We travel into the tomb futher, Ulertu finds some text:
    • "Here lies Lord Dobvir, King of the Sunfields, he who faced the black sky"
  • A feeling of unease rushes over us as we see some sort of movement in the eyes of these huge statues...
  • The Amber Blade begins to shake.. he unsheathes it and it gives off a soft amber glow.
    • Randir remembers: "This blade is of the mountain"
  • As Randir looks up at the eyes, dark flames POUR out of the eyes of the statues......... FILLING THE CAVERN
  • UH OH


  • We run off of the street knowing the city guard would be after us for killing two of the monks
  • We take a short rest
  • Randir makes a promise that he will see those monks die by his hand
  • He's not sure if they can continue with the Cinder Root Trio...
  • but we need to tell Bell and Dove what happened, at least
  • We head back to the inn... sneakily. Trying to avoid the guard.
  • We go back to the inn where Elena died
  • We sneak in and find a notebook on Elena's person
    • She's been tracking these weapons being brought into the city (as she said)
    • She was following up on the containers
  • She was investigating the Shipping guild
    • She was looking for a dude for Avadon Mar
      • This is the dude we kind fought when we FIRST got to the city
    • But Avadon Mar isn't the head honcho. She was looking for his boss.
  • She scribbled the sigil of House Grey
    • Also within that sigil is a serpent??
    • The serpent resembles dragons of olde (in a circle like an Ouroboros)
      • Ulertu knows more about this
  • We take Elena's body back to the Cinder Root Trio
    • There's a montage of emotions, fading to us on a hill on the North side of the city.
    • We give Elena a proper burial, there's a lot of crying
  • They're going to bring Elena back to the Cinder Root
  • Randir refuses to travel with the Bell and Dove as they head back to the Cinder Root
    • He's clearly very upset about Elena's death but he pushes them away claiming they need to do bigger things and doesn't want to endanger them
  • Dove presses a locket into his hand, a locket that Elena wore.
    • Randir weeps as he hugs Bell, and he apologizes...
    • In his mind he's crying he's thinking about Theo and how he came back and why Elena didn't and why did this happen and why now and why not her and...
    • Bell leaves him with parting words, "There will be times when you feel alone, but someone is there."
  • We leave the city on horseback
  • Theo and Randir talk
    • Theo tells about his past... which is... dark.
  • Randir gives a speech about how strange it is who you connect to and who connects to your life... He's overwhelmed with emotion.
    • Fuckin hell, Randir is very emotional about the people of this world
    • "The forest is all ebb and flow in life, but in the civilized world... there's something different." Life is more precious to him here.
  • We make our way to the Sunfields
    • This is the place where the Great Emperor was first injured and his blood was spilled
    • Takes a few days to cross through the Sunfields
  • OH and Pallas is with us
  • We come across a very angular, not-natural looking, 40ft+ tall, grass covered... thing?
  • Randir casts Detect Magic as a ritual
  • Ulertu climbs the hill thing?? He gets to the top and it's weirdly flat.
  • Randir detects Conjuration magic.
  • Ulertu digs down about 2 feet and finds solid stone
  • Ulertu and Theo hammer into the stone and.... fall into the space within the obelisk thing
    • Randir warned them...
  • Randir creates a climbing rope to get down to meet Ulertu and Theo
    • He stabs a javelin into the ground and ties a rope to it
  • This place is full of old, crumbling carpets and niceties
  • Ulertu thinks this either a home or a tomb for a giant.
  • We travel into the tomb futher, Ulertu finds some text:
    • "Here lies Lord Dobvir, King of the Sunfields, he who faced the black sky"
  • A feeling of unease rushes over us as we see some sort of movement in the eyes of these huge statues...
  • The Amber Blade begins to shake.. he unsheathes it and it gives off a soft amber glow.
    • Randir remembers: "This blade is of the mountain"
  • As Randir looks up at the eyes, dark flames POUR out of the eyes of the statues......... FILLING THE CAVERN
  • UH OH


  • We spend a week in Caer Sen to chill, make potions, buy a map
  • Randir gets a new fancy Wooden Flute with the help of Dove
    • He plays some music with the Cinder Root Trio
  • We decide we're going to travel with the Cinder Root Trio
  • But also before we leave...
    • Elena thinks she may have info on who smuggled weapons and poison into Caer Sen
      • May be connected to the shipping guild
  • Pallas is gonna be travelling with us, dude got left behind by his crew
  • Randir runs into Torbin Lockewood before we leave
    • He apologizes for how he acted
    • He wants to be better about how he feels
    • He remembered his grandfather coming back as a monster...
      • Dude probably was brought back as a zombie
    • Two dudes hug
    • "If you ever have anything you need in the city, I'd be happy to help you."
  • Elena drops an animal messenger on our door
    • She knows who snuck in the weapons to Caer Sen
  • We go to investigate
    • Randir turns into a horse so Theo can ride, Ulertu takes his horse, Twill
  • Elena tells us via squirrel to head to a tavern at the end of the docks
  • We get to the tavern and unsuccessfully bully a tavern worker into telling us where Elena is
  • We see two half-elves eying us pretty hard and go to speak to them
  • It doesn't go anywhere as Randir hears a crash upstairs
  • We run upstairs see two more lves with the same tatoos as the other two we saw
  • We push past them, and find Elena. Dead.
  • Randir remembers: these are league of assassin elves.
  • Randir casts haste on himself.
  • We run and run and run catching up with these elves
  • We fight. We go all out. Theo and Randir end barely alive.
  • Two go down, two escape.
  • Randir cries out. Chasing after the elf. Unable to come close to catching him.
  • Someone has called the city guard.
