The Dwarven Wedding:DM Session Tracking
From D&D Wiki
September 11, 2016
- Luana's golden dagger can be used to cut ties with a deity.
- Tulnor and Titania are not really buds
- Tulnor is in jail after killing Arthur Bulkura
- Luana has a crush on Tulnor
- Arthur was incredibly paranoid about the underdark and the mines. He's seen some shit. He isn't 100% wrong, but being overly paranoid makes you hard to believe.
- There is something growing.
- Halflings live in small villages not marked on the map
- Goliaths live ON the mountains, not in them (really)
- Both sets of mountains, and the ones that live in the north are friendly with the Elves there.
To do:
- Make a Bulf fortress map
- This should include
- The throneroom/wedding hall
- The Kings quarters with the double doors to his dining area, then bedroom
- The side hallways behind the throneroom
- The entrance to the mines(?)
- The "dorms" where the Bulkura stayed and the dorms where the Bulf guests stayed
- This should include
- Make a Bulf city map
- This should include:
- The location of the Fortress
- The double-portcullis main entrance to the city
- The side-sneakaway that Telnor used
- The jail
- The "police precint" where Telnor is being held
- This should include:
- Make a DM-only mine system with 5 floors
- Get more sprites for monsters for Roll20
August 28th, 2016
- The gang fought gargoyles
- They found a closed off-ish area that lead to a giant crevass. On the wall above the cave to that crevass, they saw the words **THEY WILL RISE** written in Dwarven
- The goblins have secret tunnels throughout the Bulf mines
- And the Bulf know that sometimes they have to beat the Goblins back
- Needler is cool. He's been around forever and has been stocking the Bulf library with fantastic books for hundreds of years.
- In the library, there are 4 large sitting areas. Each area has cushioned couches with a separate elemental as a centerpiece (in a glass container--with magic)
- Earth, Wind, Fire, Water
- In the library, there are 4 large sitting areas. Each area has cushioned couches with a separate elemental as a centerpiece (in a glass container--with magic)