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Husk of a World Under Swarm Occupation

Mass x1 (Standard)
Gravity x1 (Standard)
Mass x1
Location The Vast
Atmosphere Normal
Day 27 Standard Hours
Year 412 Days


Until it was attacked by the Swarm, Ilemchuuva was a planet of flat plains and gently rolling hills, with only few small mountain ranges. It once had a generally temperate climate (except at the poles) and several unique species of both flora and fauna. It was colonized by shirrens several centuries ago and eventually became a thriving cosmopolitan world. Now that it has been devastated by the Swarm, Ilemchuuva is mostly a wasteland strewn with dangerous fissures and pelted with regular storms of acid rain. The planet has a single barren moon named Chatchamiq.

Places of Interest

  • Clade Company HQ: Once an underground community home to a many insectoid races (including, but not limited to, bolida, shirren, haan, and trox) who felt more at home below Ilemchuuva's surface. It has been repurposed into the command center for Clade Company as the tunnels are unknown to the Swarm and easily defended if necessary.
  • The Extractor Imago: The extractor imago is nearly 250 feet long from where its head is embedded into the ground to the end of its swollen abdomen, and its bulk soars nearly 100 feet into the air. Most of this immensity is simply storage for the various resources it has been sucking out of the planet, but the creature’s major organs are accessible and traversable to allow Swarm effigenes to maintain it and manage its functions.
  • Uudz: The only city left remotely intact after the Swarm invasion, Uudz is largely an abandoned ruin. Its spaceport has been thoroughly destroyed and half the city now rises hundreds of feet above the other half courtesy of the groundquakes caused by the Extractor Imago's harvesting.
  • Zessh University: Zessh University is located near the northwestern edge of Uudz, west of the large rift bisecting the city. Even at its peak, the university never had more than a few thousand students, and most of the academic activity took place in a single large facility, with student dormitories, a few research labs, and a separate administration building standing nearby. Of these, only the main academic building is still standing, and only its central and eastern portions seem to be intact; the rest of the university’s structures (including much of the academic building’s western wing) have collapsed due to the initial Swarm attack and the subsequent tremors and upheavals caused by the extractor imago.